Mod Post: One More Trope Bingo Podfic!

Apr 18, 2016 10:20

Back in October, het-reccers hosted a Trope Bingo challenge to celebrate the community's anniversary, where members recced their favorite tropey fics, from sudden superpowers to sharing a bed and more. We had a few winners, and several generous volunteers offered to help us create prizes for them. We highlighted two of the three prize podfics last month, and today we're thrilled to present the third!

"Eve's Night" - The Librarians, Eve Baird/Flynn Carsen, length: 21:24
Podfic by blackglass for tinnny, based on the story by Fangirlishness

Check out this and the other podfics in the 2015 Het Reccers Trope Bingo Podfic Collection, and remember you can always link to great podfics in your recs along with the written story! (Please note that our general rule of no self-recs still applies to all media.)

Thanks again to all Trope Bingo participants and to our volunteer podficcers!

fandom: the librarians, ship: eve baird/flynn carsen, special: theme month, special: trope bingo, !admin, special: podfic

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