Fandom: X-Men Movieverse
Pairing: Rogue/Wolverine
Title: Burn It Down
Author: lachlanrose
At AO3 Rating/Warning(s): E
Word Count/WIP?: 55220/Yes
Recced on LiveJournal By:
jaq_of_spadesSpecial Rec: 18/29
Why This Must Be Read: Wolverine is crude, tactless and largely ignorant of how to conduct himself in polite society, and as such, qualifies as one of my favourite anti-heroes. This novel is every bit as challenging and boundary-pushing as the mutant himself, taking the reader through a series of sexual encounters that lead Wolverine closer and closer to his ultimate goal: understanding Rogue, and the things that lie between them. Exquisitely written, by a master storyteller who generally manages a chapter every week.
Fandom: Black Sails
Pairing: Eleanor Guthrie/Charles Vane
Title: Million Years Ago
At AO3 Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 14,181/No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
jaq_of_spadesSpecial Rec: 19/29
Why This Must Be Read: Black Sails is not a fandom in which you will find much het fic. For those thirsty for backstory between the island's commercial leader, Eleanor Guthrie, and her pirate lover, Charles Vane, this is a long, generous unfolding of their relationship amid a wider study of Eleanor growing to maturity on Nassau. While Eleanor is the focus, the picture of Vane in all his petty, violent glory is riveting, particularly when we get a glimpse of his not-very-soft underbelly.
Fandom: From Dusk to Dawn: The Series
Pairing: Kate Fuller/Seth Gecko
Title: I've got a lover and I'm unforgiven
Author: ArkStationsLibrary
At AO3 Rating/Warning(s): E
Word Count/WIP?:1061/No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
jaq_of_spadesSpecial Rec: 20/29
Why This Must Be Read: From Dusk Till Dawn really doubles down on its antiheroes, and Seth Gecko is a hard man to approve of. But he is beautiful, and quite clearly somewhat intrigued by the young and innocent Kate Fuller. This short, not-even-trying-to-be-sweet story offers the frank talk Seth and Kate needed to have, and some perfectly in character smut.
Mods, could I have a fandom tag for Black Sails, and a ship tag for Eleanor Guthrie/Charles Vane.