Two Hobbit Fic Recs

Jan 11, 2016 11:22

Fandom: The Hobbit (film)
Pairing: Sigrid/Fili, mild Tauriel/Kili
Title: A Favourable Arrangement series (three stories)
Author: grav_ity
Rating/Warning(s): Mature, sex
Word Count/WIP?: 33,268/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: seren_ccd
Special ( Read more... )

ship: genderbender, ship: tauriel/kili, ship: sigrid/fili, fandom: the hobbit, special reccer: seren_ccd

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tamsinwillougby January 11 2016, 18:05:08 UTC
Wow, it seems like your reccing especially for me at the moment. *g* I adore A Favourable Arrangement, but haven't read Distances Both Physical and Emotional. That one goes straight into my to be read folder.


seren_ccd January 11 2016, 21:03:42 UTC
Yay! Oh, I'm so glad you're finding stuff you haven't read before. That Bilbo/Thorin fic is wonderful, very funny and sweet!


tamsinwillougby January 11 2016, 21:32:59 UTC
Would you mind if I friended you? We seem to have quite some fandoms in common. :)


seren_ccd January 11 2016, 21:56:52 UTC
Not at all! Friend away! :D I'm trying to post more this year, so the more the merrier!


tamsinwillougby January 11 2016, 22:10:22 UTC
Great! Added you. :)


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