Two Hobbit Fic Recs

Jan 11, 2016 11:22

Fandom: The Hobbit (film)
Pairing: Sigrid/Fili, mild Tauriel/Kili
Title: A Favourable Arrangement series (three stories)
Author: grav_ity
Rating/Warning(s): Mature, sex
Word Count/WIP?: 33,268/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: seren_ccd
Special Rec: 18 of 30

Why This Must Be Read: This series makes me so happy! I’m a sucker for the arranged marriage trope, and this series is a wonderful version of it. Sigrid is strong and kind and wonderfully practical and Fili more than matches her. This is the version of events that I wished for for these characters. The world of Laketown and Erebor is amazingly true to canon and all of the supporting characters are spot on. This story is sweet, sensual, exciting and a perfect set of stories to curl up with a cup of tea close to hand.

Fandom: The Hobbit (film)
Pairing: fem!Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Title: Distances Both Physical and Emotional Series (two stories)
Author: The Feels Whale
Rating/Warning(s): General audiences, mild violence
Word Count/WIP?: 32,832/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: seren_ccd
Special Rec: 19 of 30

Why This Must Be Read: Oh, I love a good fem!Bilbo and this version is wonderful! She’s everything Bilbo is and is pure delight. Her romance with Thorin feels true and unrushed and is nearly a comedy of manners. The series starts with her story and then picks up with Thorin’s in the second story. Both are fantastic! The dialogue is spot-on and all the things you love about Middle Earth are there. As always, it’s a great lesson in the cultural differences between hobbits and dwarves and made me smile for days.

*Mods, I think I need two new pairing tags for Sigrid/Fili and fem!Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield. Thank you!

ship: genderbender, ship: tauriel/kili, ship: sigrid/fili, fandom: the hobbit, special reccer: seren_ccd

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