Fic: Suikoden V, "From Three Rooms Away," Georg/Sialeeds

Apr 30, 2007 03:08

Title: From Three Rooms Away
Fandom: Suikoden V
Pairing: Georg Prime/Sialeeds Falenas
Author: Swift
Recipient: Hildegard fon Bingen
Rating: NC-17 (although not overly graphic)
Summary: It's a game they're both very good at.
Notes: While I tried to incorporate everything in your prompt, I didn't quite make it (I got pre-game, humorous, rough, and the specific scenario, but it's not particularly dark). I sincerely hope that you enjoy it anyway. I also sincerely hope that you've played the first Suikoden game, since some of the conversation in the beginning will be funnier if you have. It's certainly not a requisite to understand the fic in any way, it simply adds a bit of context to some of the humor in the beginning of the story. Setting-wise, this takes place before the Lordlake incident, which means it's pretty much free of direct game spoilers. And on a random note, this is the first sex scene I've ever written where I had to actually go back and reference clothing multiple times! Silly Falenan fashions.

"You don't care for these kinds of meetings much, do you," Georg observed. He and Sialeeds had both begged their leave from the trade negotiations between Sol-Falena and Gregminster- Sialeeds first, since her presence wasn't more than a courtesy from the royal family, and not long after that Georg. His presence, also largely ceremonial without the Queen herself present, was distracting to the delegates from Scarlet Moon. After all, Georg had been one of them not terribly long ago. The ones who weren't glancing back at him warily kept trying to talk to him as if he was still one of their own. They hadn't gone far, though, because there was always the chance that they might need to return- particularly Sialeeds, since she would probably need to give her approval on the final agreement before it went to the Queen.

"Don't be ridiculous. As a member of the Falenas family, I respect all of our nation's allies and welcome their presence in the court." Sialeeds paused, and then made a face. "That didn't sound very believable, did it."

"It might have worked if you hadn't been talking about the ambassador from Scarlet Moon," Georg said with a low laugh. "I don't know anyone in his right mind who would welcome General Oppenheimer. Especially not in regards to trade- the man doesn't know anything about it. I don't know what Barbarossa was thinking."

"He certainly seemed to like you," Sialeeds said slyly. She lifted a hand and let it hang loose, limp at the wrist, and affected a lilting falsetto. "Oh, Georg, it's been so long! Aren't you finished playing with all of these women? If you wanted to get away from the capital, you should have said something! I'm sure you would prefer the accommodations at Scarleticia to this."

"You see now why Ferid let me leave." Georg caught her wrist to keep her from waving her hand around in that disturbingly accurate way that did exactly what it was intended to- put him in mind of Milich Oppenheimer's bizarre mannerism. "You're much too good at that. It's rather frightening."

"Well, I have to be able to compete with the great general of the Empire." Sialeeds laughed, using her normal voice again. "We wouldn't want you deciding that the accommodations at Scarleticia really are preferable to the ones in Sol-Falena."

"Clearly you've never been to Scarleticia." Georg's shudder was mostly affected. "I went there once. It's not a place I'd care to visit for a second time. Did you know he renames all the villages around it? And then he tried to rename the peasants, but that didn't really take. No, I much prefer the scenery here to there." He was looking at Sialeeds as he said it, which made it quite clear that it wasn't just the land around Sarleticia Castle that was inferior to Sol-Falena.

"Are you implying that you find the Lady Sialeeds more attractive than me?" Sialeeds asked, her voice rising into that ridiculous range again. She even added a lisp, so that her name came out Lady Thialeedth. "You're a cruel man, Georg Prime!" They were both laughing by then, loudly enough that people could probably hear them from the hallway. "We probably should have gone further away than a few rooms down the hall, though, if we're going to laugh at the man like that."

"We'll just have to be quieter about it, then, won't we?" Georg had stopped laughing outright, but amusement still ran thick in his voice. "They're very good at listening from a few rooms away in Gregminster, you know. All those assassination plots."

"Are they, now." Sialeeds sounded much more interested in Scarlet Moon than she'd been a few moments earlier. "If they'd brought some of that with them, things wouldn't have been so boring."

"Oh, they still would have been boring. Imperial assassination plots aren't very good, really. That's why you can hear them from three rooms away. It's when you don't hear anything that you worry, because then someone who knows what he's doing is after you." Georg let go of Sialeeds' wrist, finally, and motioned for her to be quiet. As they sat in silence, Milich Oppenheimer's voice- saying something impassioned about imperial honor and how trade duties related to it- reached them through the wall. "See? I'd rather be bored than running from a competent plot against me, personally."

"You would." Sialeeds leaned forward slightly, conversationally. "I think I should be offended, though, that my company is so boring to you. Whether you like boredom or not, a woman doesn't enjoy hearing that." And just as suddenly as she'd affected the persona of General Oppenheimer, her mien turned conspiratorial. "How good, exactly, would you say their hearing is?"

"Probably not good enough. I think you could be a better usurper than they are, if you put your mind to it." This was a game Georg was more than familiar with, both from his time in Gregminster and here in Sol-Falena. Sialeeds was a more entertaining partner in it than most, and not only for the obvious reasons. "Still, it couldn't hurt to be careful."

Sialeeds was anything but careful, because careful was boring (and, as she'd said, boring was the worst insult one could give to a woman like Sialeeds Falenas). It wasn't difficult to keep her low laughter quiet as she started working on the myriad sashes that made up the uniform of a Queen's Knight- partly amusement at the conversation, because the talk that led up to these games was always amusing with Georg, and partly amusement at the sudden thought that these uniforms must be so elaborate to prevent indiscretions with the Queen. That was the wrong stray thought to have, because that was enough to make her angry; her hands clenched on the sash around Georg's waist before she pulled it loose with far more force than she had intended.

"Something wrong?" Georg asked, though he didn't pause in untying the ribbon holding her dress up at the shoulders.

"Nothing," she snapped, dropping the wide gray sash on the floor near where they stood. "Nothing at all." Be quiet before you ruin things, she wanted to say, but that wasn't a part of the rules this game followed. It wasn't his fault, anyway.

"All right." He was too busy trying to move his hands and feet at the same time, coordination that came easily on the battlefield not quite so steady when his hands were pulling apart a woman's dress and his feet were following her movements towards the wall. "If you say so."

"I do say so." She shook her hair away from her eye and pushed him back against the wall, and leaned up to kiss him. As she did, he unfastened the clasp holding her dress together over her breasts. Sialeeds countered by pulling loose the sash (another damnable sash, and was there anything on the uniforms that didn't tie on?) holding his armor on and letting it clatter to the floor. The sound was loud enough to carry, and they pulled apart far enough to speak.

"Quiet," Georg said, rather breathless. "Wouldn't want them to catch on, now would we?"

"Not in the slightest." Sialeeds' breath came quickly as she spoke, and she smiled like she had a few moments earlier. "I think we might shock the good ambassadors from the north." With her over-dress hanging loosely from her shoulders, her skirt was short enough that it was a simple affair for Georg to slide his hand up her thigh. She clenched her fingers in his under-robe, thwarted in pulling it apart now that the armor was out of the way, and gasped. "Georg-"

He took advantage of her distraction to turn around with her still clutching at him, so that she was the one with her back to the wall. They backed up one step, two steps, and then her back hit the wall and she arched forward slightly into his hand.

"And you expect me to be quiet?" She managed, and it was the last coherent thing that she said. They didn't kiss, since that would make it obvious when they inevitably had to meet with the trade delegation again; bruised necks and swollen lips were not exactly easy to hide- and while Sialeeds could paint her lips and Georg had a high collar, neither of them would be able to take care of both. Georg was doing an admirable job with nothing but his hands, though, and were Sialeeds actually plotting an assassination it would be safe to say that she would be found out very quickly. When she finally shuddered against him, though, she was quiet; her voice was as low as it was when she laughed.

Sialeeds stayed where she was for a moment, catching her breath and collecting her thoughts. She would have liked to have a bit longer for that, but footsteps in the hallway outside interrupted them.

"I wonder if they heard us?" Georg whispered, low and amused, and let go of her long enough to pick up his armor. She slumped back against the wall, knees weak, and an instant later he swept her up with her free arm.

"What are you doing?" She asked, laughing breathlessly.

"Getting out of here," he answered, making for the back of the room with surprising speed for a man in his state of undress and carrying both his discarded armor and a half-naked woman. The hallway on the other side of the room was very rarely used- a back hall that servants used to come to these rooms, and there was no reason for them to be in this wing now. They waited there without interruption for a few minutes, but no one came into the room they'd fled. After another few minutes without incident, Georg opened the door and peeked inside. "It looks like we're safe."

"Good," Sialeeds said as he carried her back into the room. "Now, where were we?" She put her hands back on the black and white fabric on his shoulders. "Yes, I think I was right about here when you so rudely interrupted me."

His laugh was loud enough that at that rate, they were going to be caught without any help from her.

suikoden 5, recipient: hildegard fon bingen, swift

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