FIC: Wishful Thinking (Fullmetal Alchemist, Scar/Lust) for Follie Berger

Apr 30, 2007 00:42

Title: Wishful Thinking
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)
Pairing: Scar/Lust
Author: penguins at the disco
Recipient: Follie Bergere
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None. Although it does play pretty fast and loose with the show's timeline.
Summary: Scar can't stop wanting what he can't have.

She finds Scar in one of the old and rundown houses close to the border between Ishbal and Amestris. He sits on the floor underneath the window, even though there are chairs and a bed in the room that would surely be more comfortable.

He looks up at her when she passes over the threshold, and his whole body tenses up as he recognizes her. But he doesn't attack, and he doesn't attempt to run - maybe the face that she came without Gluttony or Envy is enough to convince him that she isn't here to attack him. She's tired of attacking people just because Dante commands her to.

"Why are you here?" he asks.

"I don't remember much," she says. "Or, sometimes I do. Sometimes it's all so clear, and then other times the memories just drift out of my mind and nothing I do can bring them back. They're getting clearer, though."

"That's not an answer."

"I came to see you," she says. "I don't remember much, but I remember your brother and you."

She walks towards him, slowly, because he's still looking at her like she might spear him at any second. She's used to people looking at her like that, and she used to revel in it. Now she's just disappointed.


Scar has told himself a thousand times that she isn't the girl he used to know, and that it shouldn't matter if she looks just like her. She's just a horrible mistake created by his brother and now it's his responsibility to take care of her.

He should be trying to kill her right now, not sitting still and waiting for her to come closer. When she's only a foot away she lightly drops down to her knees so that she's at his eye level, her face not far from his own. She's paler than she used to be, and her lips are a deeper red, but other than that his brother's creation is a perfect copy.

"You loved back then, even though you shouldn't have," she says as she reaches out and trails a long finger across his jaw. She's so close now that he can feel the warmth of her breath on his face, and he wonders if she even really needs to breathe to survive. He almost denies her statement, because he doesn't want to be the sort of man who covets his brother's lover, but he did love her. And he still loves her, even though he knows he shouldn't.

Their mouths meet, and she tastes too sweet to be really human, but that's not enough to stop him now.


He's gentle with her, like she's something fragile. Like she might break, even though he probably couldn't hurt her even if he was trying to. That's the upside to not being human, even though nobody ever asked her if she wanted to live life as a monster (she always wanted to be a part the world, not to watch from the outside for eternity).

But, no, he touches her like she's fragile, and it's almost enough to convince her that she's loved. Even if she is fully aware that he's thinking of that other girl she used to be.

She hates that other girl, sometimes. When she's not trying to pretend that having the same body and some shared memories makes them the same person.

He pulls at the fabric of her dress, tugging it upwards until the fabric is pooled around her waist and her lower body is entirely exposed to the dry desert air. He pulls her closer, then, and she gasps as her bare labia slide against the fabric of his pant leg.

She puts her mouth to his neck, and underneath her lips she can feel the blood pulsing though his veins. And for now, she's going to pretend their both human.


He thought of this before when she was still actually alive and his brother's girlfriend. It would have been hard to keep away any fantasies of her when she was always so beautiful and so kind to the both of them.

It's not hard to imagine why his brother couldn't live without her. Scar hadn't really wanted to live without her either, even though he knew he'd never be able to touch her like he wanted. But his brother is long dead now, and this isn't his brother's girlfriend - this isn't really even a woman at all.

And it's amazing how little guilt he feels about that as she traces her hand down and fondles his cock. He's half hard already, just from moving up against her, and as she slowly rocks her hand he can feel himself harden fully.

"I want you inside of me," she whispers, and he has no intentions of denying her what she wants. She is everything her name implies, and all he wants in this moment is to feel her wet and tight around him. He shifts his weight and she obliges by spreading her legs wider, and then he slides inside her for the first time.

She gasps at the same time he does, and he holds her against himself for a moment, giving himself a second to adjust to the tight warmth wrapped around his cock.

And then she starts rocking her hips, slowly at first.

"I'm so glad you didn't fight this," she says, mumbling into his ear. He can only half hear her - all of his attention is focused on what they're doing. "I just wanted to remember what it used to be like for a while."


For all that she is named after this sin, she rarely takes the opportunity to indulge. She used to do it more when she was first born as a homunculus, back when she was still wielding the sexuality given to her like a club. But the novelty of it had worn off fast, and eventually she had discovered that with her curves and mannerisms all she had to do to get what she wanted was smile.

And if the smile didn't work, the threat of being impaled by her nails usually did the trick.

But this she wants. She thinks she could have Scar moving underneath her every day for the rest of forever, and she could be happy with that.


It's over sooner than he'd like, and after only a brief minute to recover she's pulling away from him.

"I'm going to find a way to make myself human," she says, and she says it with such conviction that he's almost tempted to believe her. He's more realistic about his where his own goals will lead him. Even if she does get what she wants, he's not going to be around to share it with her.

"Good luck," he says, and she nods as she tugs the fabric of her dress back into its normal position. She heads for the door, and he resists the urge to ask her to stay.

"We'll see each other again," he says. She nods again, and he wonders if she knows he's lying too.

recipient: follie bergere, penguins! at the disco, fullmetal alchemist

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