Mar 03, 2007 11:36
So yesterday I got up early and drove my sister to the bus station, so she could hop over to NYC for some mysterious venture. When we got there, the woman behind the counter was my friends' grandma.
Now don't let your mind start assuming she's a "Sweater knitting, apple pie baking sweetheart."
Me and my friends like to call her Satan. I was awfully surprised to see her, because the last time I had, she was busy pillaging villages and slaughtering the innocent.
So, she was twelve shades of rude to my sister, which ticked me off, but I knew it was coming, because she's a miserable old wretch. And I hate it when people do that to my sister, because she's really sensitive and I get protective. Once we stepped outside, I softened up the whole scenario by telling her the wretched woman's nickname, which made Crystal feel much, much better.
But I was really apprehensive about her trip to NYC anyways, because she's really trusting, naive...and she was going alone. And not only THAT, but she confessed to me the day before, that she was going so she could meet up with "This really hot guy she met on myspace".
All the warning bells just went off in your head, didn't they? Yeah. Me too.
But she's a grown up, and she gets so damn sore when I try to give her any advice like "This probably isn't a good idea." I said "Well, just bring something to defend yourself with, and meet him during the day, in a really public place." Which is right around when she fessed up to telling him to meet her at a hotel...
And I thought, "Great, my sister is going to hacked to pieces by a serial killer."
So once I knew she'd arrived in NYC, I tried her phone about a dozen times, but she never turns the fuckin' thing ON. Ever since she got that goddamned track phone, she keeps it turned off at ALL times. No matter what. And I had no way of getting a hold of her, so I couldn't get too much sleep last night, and I had at least three dreams that she was in some kinda trouble and needed some kinda help. I started to think about how I would feel if something did happen to her, and I was the one who drove her to the stupid bus station, knowing full well what she was doing. It was terrible. I was so fuckin' worried.
But I woke up this morning to mom talking to her on the phone. And it turns out, Crystal is coming home tonight, instead of Sunday night like she planned. All I could think was "Yep, she went all the way to NYC and got stood up." That's the only reason she'd be coming home.
I mean, it's definitely better this way. Because chances are, he really was some kind of sadistic axe murderer. But still...she probably feels like crap.
Which always makes me feel like crap too. I just wish, once, that something good would happen for her in the romance department. But now I'm rambling, so I'm gonna pack up this entry and head to the gym.
buh bye