ah, i've been posting incessantly as of late (which may or may not be my way of coping with the fact that i haven't posted fic in over a month. hello, massive writer's block). but bear with me, yes? because this is an amazing community that's supporting Christchurch and all other affected areas of New Zealand. so far, there's a lightning round set
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I'll be doing fic, I suppose. Unless someone asks for something else. (I'm working on yours, but the way, ad may make a partial post soon. XD)
well, in exchange for the AMAZING story you're writing -- which so clearly reflects my unhealthy love for AUs -- i will definitely donate to the org of your choice, darling. :DD just let me know, yeah?
I will write you crazy Dom and his diamonds sending Arthur on unhealthy missions and slowly making him his bitch if you want. I might write it in parts and leave them in random comments around your journal before posting in whole, yeah? So you keep posting. :)
omg, i want like i've NEVER WANTED BEFORE. ffff- you are fucking fantastic. <3 <3 (and i'm afraid that i'll never be able to stop posting. it's an addiiiiction. ;___;)
Also, I posted a little something for you. Go look.
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