ah, i've been posting incessantly as of late (which may or may not be my way of coping with the fact that i haven't posted fic in over a month. hello, massive writer's block). but bear with me, yes? because this is an amazing community that's supporting Christchurch and all other affected areas of New Zealand. so far, there's a lightning round set up. \O/
i'm going to wait until the auction itself starts and offer a package of love from China / HK / Taiwan / Italy. ♥ with willingness to hunt down particular things the winner may want. hopefully, that'll be unique enough to get things started. might not be able to ship it until May, though, when i return to the States for my sister's graduation. (or July, if the winner wants things i can pick up during the family Tuscany trip, as well.)
and, um, will do my best not to cashblock so many authors this time around. (i'm sure i pissed a few people off last time. i'm really sorry about that. ;___;)
so, please spread word about the comm! (and offer / bid if you can. ♥) it's good stuff. :D
related orgs (as helpfully provided by an NZ anon on the meme):
Red Cross |
Salvation Army |
Rotary |
Canterbury University Student Volunteer Army |
various banks