Oct 11, 2007 20:04
So I've been dropped in it.
About 19:00 last night I got an email from my boss asking if I could prepare a presentation for him to give on Monday (he was dropped in it by his boss, the CEO who accepted on his behalf when a competitor pulled out). He also asked me to attend a conference next week in Madrid. Bearing in mind that I was also in Amsterdam this time last week and that I was in Vienna on Sunday/Monday (that journey is a whole saga in itself!) on business I am pretty much up to my ears in flights, and some of you know just how much I love flying these days.
My flight was delayed both for fog and a technical fault this morning. I arrived at my meeting about an hour and a half late but managed to duck out and grab a few minutes to find out what my boss actually would like to have in his presentation - I'll write it tomorrow, when I had actually planned to write a presentation that I have to give at a conference at the end of this month.
I also need an Account Manager - Graduate looking for second job. Basic ~ 30k (Sterling). Experience of energy industry desirable, self motivation and commercial spark a must. - any thoughts, let me know.
Does anyone else find it bizarre that my travel time to the Amsterdam office (including airport waiting/security) is about the same as my normal commute to London?