Christmas quizes

Dec 05, 2008 12:33

More quiz type things found on the Internets. I promise to have more than quizes posted on thing soon soon. Seriously, I do. Okay, the promise was a lie, but I will have other things up here other than quizes. Some day. Eventually. Maybe.

In 2008, heslestor resolves to...
Connect with my inner yaoi.
Overcome my secret fear of canderous.
Find a better malak.
Learn to play the sunstreaker.
Volunteer to spend time with comics.
Cut down to ten stealth bombers a day.

Hmmm, overcoming my fear of Canderous should be easy enough. After all, I only have to see him walking around in certain types of armor and it won't be fear I'm feeling.
Learn to play Sunstreaker?O_O Oh, oh, my. If I wrote what that would involve, I'd have to lock this post.
But, but the comic store went out of buisness and I don't know where any are that aren't far, far away, and I do so very much want to volunteer to spend more time with them. Honestly I do, I just can't 'cause I don't know where any other stores are. *is depressed now.*
And I absolutely refuse to cut down to ten stealth bombers a day. No way, no how, you can't make me.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, heslestor sent to me...

Twelve tattoos drumming
Eleven snakes piping
Ten simmons a-leaping
Nine comics drawing
Eight transformers a-painting
Seven canderous a-writing
Six swords a-hunting
Five fi-i-i-ighter jets
Four video games
Three star wars
Two stealth bombers
...and a wheeljack in a sam witwicky.

I like this version of the song, yes I do, very much so. In fact, I think I'll go caroling it this year. Though I'm still trying to figure out the logisticst, or even how, Wheeljack got inside Sam. Maybe it's better if I don't know, considering who it is. And the five fiiiiiighter jets thing is simply cracking me up, since I am hearing it in Animated!Starscream's voice.

quizes, random slag

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