so many things to do.

Aug 31, 2004 22:51

so it turns out that i'm either really busy or really bored all the time, how silly why cant there be an imbetween.i would like to be puppy. or at least as cute as puppy. also i've decided that i would like a boyfriend again, not a hardcore relationship with meaning or anything, just a boyfunfriend. hehe.

oh my gosh. puppy was just sitting next to me when i typed that i hwanted to be her, then after the hehe i looked at her again and she was GONE! she veyr steathily left the room with out me even noticing. she's sucha ninja.

i'm so tired and my shoulder muscle hurts, so next time you see me just go ahead and give me a deep tissue massage on my left upper back. that would be nice. also read my hundred and 33 pages of text book for me and take my test on sept. 14th if you would. thanks.

that wasnt complaining by the way up there. honest.

anyway, well, there was no reason to say anyway, i'm going to bed now. goodnight suckas.

oh and if you need me, you could just... ya know... call the cell....

fuck i'm cool.
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