Feb 07, 2007 07:09
uhh, apparently i am living on the wrong island or something b/c i'm CLUELESS as to who this person / these persons are supposed to be. [P$QA(#)APERRGTJIRAJO@(#)%*$#()*%@!!]
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Happy Valentine Daze, Cancerian! I sing a sly
WOW toward the sky and murmur a resonant YOW toward the earth in
rowdy reverent gratitude for the wonders that come your way from the
special people in your life. I send out a special YAYA and GAGA to that
Mysterious Other who has the power to challenge you, teach you,
confound you, inspire you, and love you almost as well as you love
yourself. Long may your story unfold in all of its enigmatic glory! Long
may you liberate each other from your suffering!
i need to make plans w/some friend for Val Day or something or else i might feel like a bitter, sad old maid...