I smell something burning

Nov 01, 2006 18:43

I'm leaning on the glass of this window, and I'm kinda paranoid it's going to break or something....

I wish Ruth had just left the paint bucket in front of me. It was a good footrest. Now I have to awkwardly position my feet onto this recliner. Ah well, life has been worse.

Last night was pretty fun. At Ashley's, with the bonfire, and whatnot. Though she seemed in a very...off mood today. I'm not too concerned, I suppose, because she did mention not taking her meds, or something to that effect. Other than that, she said she was in a bad mood for no reason. -_- Sigh. Then I suppose there's nothing more to be said on the matter.

Korin, I want to see the pictures of Ellie in costume. >_<() I missed out! I didn't see them anywhere. I=tool. So...yeah. The idea of your mom decked out MCR is pretty interesting too....

Not much else to say. A couple of weeks ago I was kicked out of Meijer's for...excessively existing, I suppose...there's no need to go into detail, but the old lady literally walked Austin and I directly to the door and watched us leave. Good thing I already bought my Pocky and green tea...actually, I had been drinking the green tea on their couch, and I left it there. Not really on purpose, but I didn't feel like hearing more bitching from the employee by pulling the can out of concealment. As in, from the floor on the right-hand side of the couch. Apparently she was partially BLIND...from rage or old age, I have no idea. Eh, it's inconsequential anyway.

I'm glad I went and saw SAW 3 on Friday, as apposed to Halloween as originally planned. I got to go be with friends, and it sounded like a LOT of kids went to see it on Halloween. I didn't really feel like acknowledging them. Or whatever. *shifty eyes* I've completely lost all sense of where this was going.

samhain, halloween, saw 3, meijers

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