[RL with Shelly de Killer]

May 05, 2010 19:55

In retrospect this was probably one of the worst ideas Klavier had ever had and he couldn’t recall, not in living memory, ever having a bad idea. No, because Klavier Gavin did not have bad ideas, all of his ideas had been successful ones in a manner of speaking and if they did fall through it was never by any fault of his own. This, however, was a whopper.

Here he was, sitting in People Park some eight years in the past, trying not to look too conspicuous with a confidential file in his hand. He even dressed down for the occasion taking into consideration that he was in the past and in this past he was or is still a recognizable rock star, the only difference being the length in which he had let his hair grow. It would be something to be mistaken for himself, wouldn’t it?

What had the usually calm and confident prosecutor on edge wasn’t a case of not so mistaken identity, but the fact that he was meeting with a murder and not just any murderer, an assassin, and not just any assassin, Shelly de Killer. The reason for the meeting? Well he was going to let Shelly de Killer comb through his file and at the same time argue for the life of Matt Engarde…because it was the right thing to do, right? Klavier was by no means a saint, and he knew for a fact that Matt Engarde was the scum of the earth. Still…

…Still, there was no one he could really talk to rationally about his inspired idea. He couldn’t talk to Herr Wright, and the man with the unfortunate forehead was never around when he needed him, Trucy was too young and Tyki had his own problems too. So acting without hesitation, that was his style and his gut told him to just do it. All that “he who hesitates is lost” stuff overriding his ability to think and rethink which was a waste of time anyway since he already said he was going through with this.

So here he is. Klavier Gavin, prosecutor, prodigy, rock-star and very much alone as promised.

klavier, shelly de killer

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