Holiday Excitement

Jan 04, 2009 05:00

Well, der holidays were quite bizarre, but it's not to say they weren't enjoyable. This Christmas certainly taught me that I'm not quite as nimble as I used to be und that I definitely need to take up yoga before I tackle handling mein Liebling's gift to me. I'm sehr glad that he likes der little terror I bought him; obese kittens are quite hard to find. Speaking of kittens, I do hope Jan und Kim's are acceptable; I just couldn't resist.

I've come to learn that going out to der shooting range with ein load of booze isn't ein gut idea. Granted, it was all an accident, my thigh really didn't need ein bullet in it. I went out shooting with Nathan ein few days before New Year's und we were drinking und cutting der fool. He had some pretty nice targets of some fucked up clown, but he missed at one point und then der bullet ricocheted off ein tree und der next thing I know, I'm bleeding all over der place. Und I was just standing there screaming like ein girl und flailing around until he carried me inside. I managed to dig it out alright, but I've been sort of gimping around der Haus as of late; at least I learned mein lesson though.

I'm feeling sort of restless just sitting around; though, I should probably sit down with Pickles und start planning der wedding. It all seems surreal und I really couldn't be happier for it.

nathan explosion, accidental shooting, pickles the drummer, new year's, wedding, christmas

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