Jul 19, 2008 18:08
Well, things have been quite eventful since Herr Offdensen allowed me to move into Mordhaus und work for them. I can't divulge much of what I've done, but I can say that great strides are being made in der psychological evaluations of der fans. The rest ist pretty much classified beyond that.
Poor Liebling has been feeling under der weather as of late; probably one of those damned summer colds. I think I'll make him some of those cinnamon buns he likes so much und see if he feels like eating them. Once he's over this, I may see if I can visit Herr 24, but that's only if mein Pickles thinks he can manage without me ein day or so.
I'm also glad to see that Herr Offdensen has returned to normal since der little fiasco with der catgirl. I should probably try und recall der FREAKS I sent after her; I think I lost one or two though... Still, no matter, but I should really be losing pounds und not vampires. Gott...I feel like I'm getting fat. Ever since I've started living here I've been getting decent food und probably overeating. I should seriously start hitting the gym more than once ein week.
summer cold,