Such a lovely vacation!

Jul 03, 2008 22:59

I must say that staying at Mordhaus is turning out to be a wonderful experience! So wonderful, in fact, that I intend to take Herr Offdensen's offer to work there for a while. Of course I'll still work on Herr Major's projects off of der property, but I might be staying there for a bit longer than I first expected...which is fine by me if Herr Pickles would enjoy it. I'm happy to say we're both feeling better after our initial depression und I must say, he certainly has good taste in liqour!

[Lock from Pickles]

Alright, I've been thinking about it for ein while, so I'm just going to throw it out there. Does anyone know anything about perfecting clones? I've toyed with the idea for quite some time und since mein Liebling's birthday is coming up I thought I might clone him like...ein catgirl or something...Ja, ein catgirl. It'd beat der hell out of having to summon und banish them consistently und that way, he could have some company when I'm working or just not around, you know? They're harmless, anyway; so there wouldn't be der worry of me doing anything dangerous with it. I mean, what else do you do with ein catgirl?


job, vacation, pickles

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