My old and very boring bio...

Dec 01, 2004 00:25

After reading several other people's lj's I have come to the realization that my bio is the driest and most boring (yea, I'm the best!). I am, therefore, revising it from this...

Well, let me start at the start. I went to pre-school at the age of three. It was the only time I really adored school. I went to a Catholic school in Kindergarten and stayed in that school until sixth grade, when they closed down. Then I was put into another Catholic school and got left back in seventh grade. I joined Sea Scouts in 1994 and moved up the ranks. I graduated 8 th grade in ‘95. I spent the first three months in a Catholic high school; it didn’t work out. I got into a “special program” in the Emerson school system, graduated in ‘99. Off to college in the fall, and in college I remain until December.
I joined Sea Scouts in 1994. I was a Sea Scout until last year, having attained the rank of quartermaster and the position of third mate. Things had gotten busier in my life, I had a great boyfriend (or he was great at the time), was heavily involved in and then became the president of the campus theater group. Then I was not the president, but Sea Scouts just doesn’t hold the same appeal so I never went back, though I wish I still supported them but I can’t find the time.
I live with my mom, dad, seventeen year old sister, Golden Retriever-German Shepherd (Lucky), and two Leopard Geckos (Mulder and Padme). whatever it winds up being.
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