Oct 15, 2007 13:02
Two weeks ago I was so tired the world became surreal. I finally caught some rest two weekends ago when I visited mom, who had been all alone while Dad was off in Canada for the yearly hunting trip. I recovered there, and I wish all weekends could be so restful.
But I'm having trouble sleeping. My life is easily the busiest it's ever been, and although I feel proud of my work I also wish I got out more. Tomorrow I'll probably shell out $80 in tip money to keep playing for the soccer team. Eight more games and eight more commutes to Burnsville. But last week's success made me want to belong to the team more, and it's a good move for posterity. I know I'm going to want to play on a team in the future, and this team is gradually improving.
What's more, I kind of admire one of the players, though he's seldom present because he's an airline pilot. His name is Ian too. Last week during the game a guy around my age throttled Ian into the boards and they fell down. Angry guy shoved Ian away, but Ian got up and helped angry guy to his feet. To see such a display of character was more impressive than a half-court shot.
Right now I'm in keyboarding class, done in advance with all of the work. My average typing speed is probably around 80 gwam, although I'm still not good at the number row or its symbols, so where those are included my speed diminishes.
Sarah starts a second job tonight. She crazy. Tex is finally working and I wanted to give him crap because before he was being a little overzealous about Halo 3. But he works hard now and hasn't complained too much, and I admire that. Liz hates it, but boo hoo. Sarah and I get to see each other for hours each week, not five out of seven days.
School is going well. I'm probably the top student or near it, but I should be; I've got a college degree under my belt and I'm almost freaking 24. Still, my drawing is improving and we're working on flash movies now. I really want to make a Wesley Willis music video for "Kill that Jerk." I have until Thursday so I might just take a crack at it. If not now, sooner or later.
Tony now has Xbox 360 and Halo 3. We're one step closer to C4, although Paul's getting better and Tony said he might be able to get Alex, Jason's friend. I doubt we'll reach Jason.
Tex made an interesting point regarding Jason throwing everything away yesterday. After Tex lost his virginity…well, I'll have to continue later.