Jun 07, 2010 19:58
1) Had a traveller session last week where Himi turned up, mostly generated a character, and got a bit caught up with Iki_Maska and Yasutani. Progress is slow, but fun. The modified version of the 2300AD universe timeline seems a good place to start, so have had some enjoyable times coming up with scenario ideas to fit my warped version of it (but for those part of the original OTE stuff, that hasn't been forgotten - just some of us wanted to try the new Traveller...and the new RQ2 ...more on that later, if I remember to get round to it. Not in this post tho').
2) Ziantha and I got a new LCD TV. On special, as you do at this time of year. And we just went out shopping to get some veggies. 8-). Works well. Anyone got any suggestions on how best to get rid of the old TV?
3) Oncall again. Not enjoying. Sigh.
4) We have some nice toadstools out front at Ziantha's place. Red with white/cream gnarly patches: classic toadstools ('Fly Agaric' - Ziantha is chiming in with the correct latin-ish sounding name, but I'm too tired to parse it & render it correctly). Some suspected JWs turned up at the door and when they realised we either weren't in or were ignoring them (the latter, since we'd only just woken up and just weren't up to the challenge of answering the door...) they left: after pausing to inspect and take pics of the 'stools.
5) Had a day off to make up for some other OT, and went to see 'Animal Kingdom'. Good. But *very* grim. Recommend you don't see it if you're feeling down. Unless you want to see what being worse off than you are could be like... Previously saw Robin Hood with Iki. Cinematically, not nearly as good as AK but much better Feel good factor. Just don't expect it to be high art or perfect. Its an entertainment. And obviously the first in a franchise. Cate B makes the movie, I think, as does the actor who plays her Dad (who's name escapes me just now). And the guy who does the rather pathetically stupid sleazy King John. Russell is ok, but in some ways he is just Russell. Gladiator with a bow. Iki called it 'Saving Private Ryan in Reverse'. If you see it, you'll see the scene that inspires that particular comment...
6) Have seen a few people around with iPads. Still can't see the point myself. Not quite. Some things would be useful. But the TV upgrade was much better value. I have a history full of gadgets not fully exploited or made constructive use of.