There were no tears today. For some reason. It was like she'd cried it all out already, that night at the clinic. Instead Momoko just sat on the rooftops staring out across the night towards what lights she could see. Rome? Some fairly large village? Extra moons? Totally huge and bright stars? She didn't know, despite having been flying just a few hours earlier.
But then, she'd been careful to stay away from the cities and keep high enough not to scare anyone who may be travelling and look up.
Not really sure what to do with herself after that, she'd changed back to Momoko and just gone clambering along the roof of the North wing... then the main wing, the South. Some jumps to get to the top of the administration building, then back to the dorms...
And now, just sitting and staring.
She finally remembered to
send Jaime an update, and smiled softly at
his reply. Momoko didn't know what she needed, and calling would only be to just hear his voice. Which would probably totally freak him out, since she wasn't often quiet and he was already worried about her.
So she pocketed the phone for now, and went back to her light-watching. Someone would come along and chase her down from the roof eventually, she was sure. And if not, well, she felt a bit closer to Triela watching over her home like this.
[NFB for distance, but open to anyone in Triela's Rome!]