"/And where do you think you two are going? The New Years cleaning isn't nearly done./"
Hachizou Akatsutsumi and Jaime were sitting in the entrance-way putting on their shoes when Kakiko Akatsutsumi's question froze them in place.
"/You said she was in the back yard./" Momoko's dad whispered to Jaime.
"/She was! I didn't keep tracking her./" Jaime paused a moment, then grumbled, "Yes, but you track everyone."
"/...Are you talking to your symbiote again or me?/"
"/He's not a symbiote./ No you're not, technically. /And anyway, you said we wouldn't get in trouble!/"
"/That was while she was in the back yard./"
"/So, wait. We are going to get in trouble?/"
"/Oh yes,/" Momoko's mom answered Jaime. She had, of course, been standing RIGHT BEHIND THEM during this whole whispered conversation. "/Yes, you're going to be in a lot of trouble./"
"/Will it help if I apologize?/" Jaime whispered to Hachizou. "/Say it was my fault?/"
"/No,/" answered Kakiko before Hachizou could do more than open his mouth. "/I heard Momoko-chan explain things to you. In English. Now take your shoes back off and come help clean the living room./"
Hachizou sighed and hung his head. "/I hate
[OOC: Jaime modded with permission. Open for one houseguest and any calls or texts!]