Apparently the duty officer that had assigned the young man to 'interview the landlady of the missing woman' had failed to inform him that Mrs Wilson was not your normal citizen.
"Ma'am?" he prompted the old woman.
"Young man. How long have you been out of the academy?" The glare Mrs Wilson was giving the young officer was epic. "If I knew where she would go, I would have found her, now wouldn't I? Why would you even ask such a ridiculous question."
"Ma'am, these are standard questions. If you would please cooperate so I can get the information I need, then we can bring the young woman home much faster. I promise."
Oh. Oh no he didn't. "What kind of promise is that?"
"I said, what kind of promise is that? You promise to get her back. How can you make a statement like that? Don't try giving me the soft talk. I know how these things can go; you may never find her." Mrs Wilson stood and walked towards the hall.
The officer rose when she did, completely at a loss. "I didn't mean... ma'am, where are you going?"
"You'll want to see her rooms. Look through her things. Not that you'll find anything. It's all like it usually is. But I'm not going to let you do that on your own. It's not right, plus you'll probably poison the poor crabs." The woman turned and looked at him with exasperation. "She's not just some young twitter of a thing who's wandered off to Dallas to make it in the big city, you know. Momoko is a good girl with plans for the future; she works hard. Has people who are important to her. Something's happened. You'll see."
Well, she thought to herself. as she watched the young man poke about in Momoko's room. Maybe he'd see. She really wasn't feeling too sure that the EPPD were going to solve this one. Maybe she should have contacted the Texas Rangers? "Here now. You leave that
bats-oood-in alone now..."
[no Momoko, obvs]