oo1 ☼ video

Jul 07, 2011 14:01

J-July 7th!?

[Hi, Vatheon. Have one very panicked Renton staring at the SFC because alsklsadlasd what.]

That can't be right! Is this thing malfunctioning, or something...? I mean, it's still June, right? That's almost two weeks-!

[He just stares, because none of this makes sense sob-until you can practically see the proverbial light bulb go off over his head.]

Unless-hey, does anyone know what was up with that shadow thing? The curfew... Wait. I guess I shouldn't be talking about that...

[He totally didn't go out after curfew or anything, really. :|; Thinking, thinking-]

But I remember waking up, so... Gah! None of this makes any sense! It can't seriously be July...!

two weeks where did you go, panic panic panic, wait until he starts shouting eureka, what the hell vatheon, !ic

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