The Good, The Bad, and The "huh?"

Mar 20, 2007 06:12

    Spring Break, despite the insane amounts of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion, was AMAZING!  I ended up going through a range emotions and enjoying all of them, even the ones that would normally be considered bad.  I have learned so much from God this weekend that I am just ecstatic to see what becomes of that time I spent with Him.  Not only that, but God has given me guidance in a question that I just didn't know the answer to.  I think that God has definitely a lot more to teach me and here is why.

    I am an idiot, I am proud and arrogant, and sometimes have a bit of superiority attitude in my life.  For that I apologize to all of whom are the victims.  I am not perfect and am certainly trying allow God to break those parts of me and mend them into something beautiful.  I am also such a wreck that I am undeserving of a God that loves me the way He does, and I certainly don't deserve the love of a beautiful woman.  She is so forgiving and understanding that I could never fully appreciate her the way she should be, I am incapable of such things.  I am also a fool, but God has chosen this fool for the ministry of music, and youth.  I don't know why but I am glad that he is so gracious to me.

The "huh?"
    I like peanut butter sandwiches and not Ham and Cheese... its OK, but peanut butter and jelly is better!  If I have to eat one more Ham and Cheese sandwich this week I will explode.  Also, wheat thins rock and are delicious.

And now I leave you with some Building 429 lyrics and a large sneeze.... I have been sneezing all day.

"Because I’ve been fighting to survive
I didn’t see it in your eyes
But I won’t hurt you anymore
And I, I’m fighting to believe
That there is hope for me
Somewhere beneath the least of these"


kbye, ladies and gents.

current status, thoughts of life

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