Hi! Anyone around for a Heroes re-watch? If so, we're up to episode 5, "Hiros". Mohinder's barely in this one - just the famous subway scene where he blows off Peter - so I thought we'd double-up with episode 6, "Better Halves". Actually, Mohinder doesn't get much screen time in that one either, other than saying goodbye to Eden. So if you feel like discussing other parts of those episodes in addition to him, feel free to do so.
I was just re-reading the Mohinder Voiceover that opened "Hiros":
When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate. They call it zugunruhe - the pull of the soul to a far-off place, following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gather together. Only then can they hope to survive the cruel season to come.
It's a very good thing we have that lovely accent to distract us from yelling "WTF?!?" at the TV during these voiceovers. :0)
If you don't have the DVDs handy or want a quick reference for the episode, Shadow Anthology has transcripts for the episodes
here and