A now for your weekly dose of Heroes meta...
Nathan, Peter, & Heidi
So Nathan and Peter are connected like twins. Cool. They have prophetic dreams. That's a lot better than "Wonder Twins Form of Ice!"
viennawaits I find Heidi and Peter's relationship to be very very sweet. I *like* that they like each other. It's almost sibling-ish--and by that I mean *normal* siblings, not the Peter and Nathan type. Cause those two? So. Not. Normal. Siblings. Not with the touching, and the...touching.
baby_jeans The car crash was pretty cool, but the CG of Nathan hovering in the air has a distinct whiff of Camembert. Try harder next time, FX department - I know we're on a low budget, but seriously, learn how to bluescreen.
terebi_me Matt
He's dyslexic like Tom Cruise...wait Scientology healed Tom Cruise.
viennawaits Hiro & Charlie
Blood clot? Since when did I start watching General Hospital @ 9pm?
petalsinthewind Isn't that always the way it goes? You save a girl from getting her head chopped open and she goes and gets a brain aneurysm.
vampedvixen Do brain aneurysms always give you the power of a photographic memory? First it worked with John Travolta in Phenomenon.. and now with Charlie. That must be a fun way to go.
vampedvixen Gabriel Sylar
I KNEW I'd love Sylar! Which is...weird and creepy, and probably wrong in about a million different ways. But... he's so CUTE! He's like a psycho Clark Kent. Yummy!
literarylemming Dude, I knew he was evil the minute I saw him. Wanna know why? Because he's a frustrated watchmaker wearing a shirt his mom must have picked for him and sporting a Clark Kent hairdo.
honeyswallow Claire & Jackie
I do find it ironic that for once, Claire is saying that she DOESN'T want to wear a cheerleading uniform, since, you know, she never ever changes out of it after this.
speakallmirth Jackie, sweetheart, plz to be enunciating. I had to rewind her first line three times before I could decipher that she was saying "Laurie Trammel skanked her way through the entire football team!" I seriously heard "Laurie Trammel skank Troy mumble the entire football team!"
hebrew_hernia Eden & HRG
They taped Eden's mouth shut. This amuses me so much and I don't know why. But at least now we know what HRG wears those tacky glasses for. They're spit shields!
speakallmirth HRG TOTALLY owned Eden. She's like, 'RAWR LET ME GO' and then he's just like, 'Haha, no bitch pwned.'
daqenue Mohinder
Every time Mohinder speaks in the beginning and end of each episode, I somehow can't help but tune out. I know he's saying something 'profound' and vaguely 'philosophical' but it's like sitting through a high school lecture and all of a sudden I get this urge to cut class and go hang out with the smokers by the track.
vampedvixen And a note from a mod: And don't forget that 1x11 Fallout airs tonight. Last time to catch Heroes before the new year.