
Nov 30, 2006 10:06

This is your weekly small reminder that you still have time to write down some assorted snark for the most recent episode of Heroes 1x10: Six Months Ago. What better way to wait the agonisingly long time for the next episode by torturing yourself and re-watching the old episode?

I can't think of a better way either!

Also, if anyone is purely watching the community and has not:
a) added me as a friend,
b)made public posts
or c)does not plan on doing either of these things or making heroes_meta posts

then PLEASE remove heroes_meta from your interests. It makes it sooooo much easier when reading the reviews. Checking journals that haven't been updated or are locked to me waste time.

If you would like to move from watching to writing, remember to add heroes_meta to your interests.

One last thing: a BIG HUG AND THANKYOU to everyone who has been posting reviews and COOKIES to the people who are adding "heroes_meta" in their subject line, entry or cut tag. It makes everything easier and I love you for it! THANKS!


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