May 05, 2009 12:17

Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. There are a few issues pertaining the the Heroes Het Fic Awards that I feel it necessary to address.

1. Please remember to properly label your nominations. I've contacted or will be trying to contact anyone who has left out pertinent information thus far in their nominations, but from now on, I will simply be disregarding nominations that leave information out. It's far too much work for me to figure out which pairing you mean for the "Best of Pairing" category - especially if you have several nominations all marked the same way or the fics lack proper headers.

2. The nominations post is not the place to leave questions, comments, or suggestions. The nominations post is for nominations only. Anything else can be left as a comment to the nominees post or else you can contact either cruiscin_lan or psycho_llama or email if you have an issue.

3. One nomination per category. I cannot stress this enough. I know you want to show love for your favorite pairing by nominating all the fic you can find, but we have to place a limit somewhere, and it wouldn't be fair to restrict by date posted (since these awards have never been held before). For those of you who have asked to raise the limit for pairings/characters nominations: there is no way to fairly do that for the pairings that need it without doing it for all pairings. If we raise the nominations restriction (even just by one or two fics) I'm afraid I'll be coding Sylar/Elle nominations until judgement day.

If more categories do not fill up by the end of the nominations period, it would be fairer to lower the "five fics" requirement than raise the nomination restriction. If only because I don't want to spend the rest of my life coding the nominees post.

If for any reason this does not suit you, here's my suggestion: PIMP THESE AWARDS WHEREVER YOU CAN. psycho_llama and I have done our best to get the word out, but we're not at all perfect. If you belong to any relevant communities, ask the mods if you can make a post about it. Let your flist know by making an announcement on your own journal. If you'd really like to see a specific category get enough nominations, make a list of recs or suggestions so that people don't have to search. It worked for Mohinder/Claire - it can work for your favorite pairing or character, too!

4. The same fic can be nominated for more than one category. As long as it's eligible for the categories in which it's nominated, it's all good!

5. If you do not see your nomination on the list, please contact us! There are reasons that some fics aren't appearing on the list - it's probably because it was nominated for a category for which it has questionable eligibility - i.e., nominated for non-con, but not labelled as a non-con fic, so the mods have to review it or contact the author for clarification. However, if it's because of human error (either coding or simply overlooking the nomination) I'd rather correct it sooner than later, so let me know if you suspect something's up.

6. I am trying to contact those who have seconded nominations and those who have nominated fics deemed ineligible for the categories for which they were nominated. This is to offer you a chance to nominate your second-choice for those categories. Please check your emails and message inboxes in case we're trying to reach you!

All this being said, the nominees list is currently up-to-date. Later today or tomorrow I will be posting some banners/graphics for nominees, so be sure to check back!

We're still accepting nominations through May 10th, but if you won't have your nominations ready by then let us know. We can be flexible about the deadline!

mod!post, fic awards

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