(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 19:31

Title: Electric Nectar (6/?)
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Elle, Adam
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler Alert: Season 2. I began writing this before 2.08 so I'm not including any of those events within the story.
Summary: Peter knows that saving the world feels like the natural thing to do. He knows that saving the individual is important too...
Previous Parts: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five

Peter didn’t return to Elle for a few hours, the water had grown stale and cold once again. Elle felt oily as well. She shifted in her seat, only making her even more itchy and stinky. “So are you going to let me take a shower?” She asked impatiently. Peter bit his lip, apparently he hadn’t given that situation any thought. Elle did her best not to roll her eyes. “Listen maybe boys can go for weeks without showering, but girls are particularly fond of doing that.”

“Okay, just be quiet.” Peter put his finger to his own lips. “Adam doesn’t want you anywhere out of this chair.”

“I promise.” Elle said in the sweetest voice she could manage under the circumstances. Peter quickly untied her and escorted her to the bathroom. She locked the door as soon as she was inside of the bathroom. She searched her pockets for her cell phone, but it was no where to be found. She cursed, she must have dropped it somewhere between the club and the park. She sighed and turned on the shower.

Back in New York, company employee Katrina Andres had arrived to Bob’s office. She one of the youngest company employees, being a year younger than Elle. She was a little less crazy, and a little more naïve. Ivy disliked everything from her curly red hair to her stupid little powerless brain. “Where’s your partner?” Ivy asked her.

“He’s at the Quebec branch of the company, preparing for our arrival.” Katrina smiled at Ivy, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Cyrus shifted in his seat, while Bob had his full concentration on the painting.

“Nice to see you again, Kat.” He nodded his head towards her. She beamed at him.

“This is excellent. Here are the street names, and your airplane tickets. You have a 7 o’clock flight, so I suggest you all pack your necessities and get to the airport as soon as possible. Report back to me tomorrow at noon.” He ordered them. Katrina was the first one out of the door, Ivy and Cyrus watched her retreating back.

“I think she’s scared of me.”

“Anyone in their right mind should be.” Cyrus noted, “Your touch can kill.”

“Mmm.” Ivy murmured in agreement. “You don’t happen to speak French, do you?”

“Unfortunately that is one language I have yet to master. I do not believe that Katrina can either. However, one would presume that Leonardo, Katrina’s partner does. I recall him telling me that he was trained at the Quebec company branch when they first recruited him.”

After taking a shower Elle had found a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt lying in front of the bathroom door. She presumed that Peter had been the one to find her something to wear. Adam would never be that thoughtful. She picked up the clothing with one hand, the other keeping her towel around her naked, but clean body. She walked back into Peter’s room and changed into the clothing. Both the sweatpants and shirt were two sizes too big for her, but at least they were clean. She silently walked out of the room and left the door ajar. If she could just be as quiet as possible, she might be able to escape.

“That’s doubtful.” Peter said, coming up the stairs. She frowned at him and at what he was holding, a pair of handcuffs.

“Oh we’re moving up to handcuffs, are we?” She tried to take a step toward him but her feet felt like they were glued to the floor. She tried to resist the non-existent glue but it didn’t get her anywhere. No matter how much energy she put into lifting her foot, it would not lift. “What the hell!” She yelled.

“Peter’s got a bunch of nifty tricks, doesn’t he? That’s called Telekinesis.” Adam winked at her. “However if you were still tied up he wouldn’t have to be doing this.” Adam glared at Peter.

“She needed to take a shower.”

“So sponge bathe her.”

“I think she can be trusted enough to take a private shower.”

“Peter, I just want to go home. I won’t tell Daddy where you are, I swear.” She gave him a small pout. Please. Her thoughts begged.

Don’t you dare listen to a word she says, Peter. Adam’s thoughts came to him in a fit of rage. “Peter! Don’t you even think about it. She stays with us. You don’t know what that company will do to you, to us, what they’ve done in the past.” He shook his head.

“They don’t do anything to anyone. That just keep the dangerous people locked away, where they should be.” Elle defended her father and his company.

“That’s complete bull and you know it.” Adam spoke to Peter. “You don’t know the things her father is capable of.”

“You don’t know anything about my father!” Elle screamed.

“You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you? I know a little too much about you and your father.”

“You don’t know anything! You’re just trying to corrupt Peter into believing you!”

“No, I’m afraid that would be you.” He growled. Peter pulled Adam away from Elle.

“Calm down. I’ll take care of her.” He said softly. Peter walked over to Elle. When he tried to put the handcuffs on her he was shocked.

“Metal conducts electricity.” She smirked. He grabbed both her hands when she tried to shock him again. It didn’t work, instead the electricity flowed between them both.

“And that’s a circuit.” He whispered. She shivered at the feeling of the sparks flowing from through her body and into his. She was so distracted that she didn’t realize that he’d telekinetically put the cuffs on her. He sat her back down in the chair and tied her to the chair once again.

“I don’t get to brush my hair?” She asked, knowing that she was pushing her luck.

“What do you want for dinner?” Elle turned her head, and didn’t look him in the eye. Peter sighed. “So we’re back to this?” The door hit the wall with a loud 'bang' as it was thrown open by Adam. “What the fuck?” Peter stood guard in front of Elle.

“Down boy, I’m not going to hurt her.” Adam motioned for Peter to stand to the side. He wanted to see Elle was she got this information. “Did you ever go through your father office. Did you ever wonder why you’re file is completely empty? Why isn’t there any information on Elle Bishops' manifestation, or how about why she can’t remember most of her childhood? Start reading about your wonderful little father and his wonderful little company.” He threw a pile of papers onto Peter’s bed.

rating: pg13, character: elle bishop, author: jessieflower, character: adam monroe, character: peter petrelli, pairing: elle/peter

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