It Gets Better (Preview)

Dec 27, 2007 13:49

Title: It Gets Better
Rating: R (for now)
Characters: Peter/Claire (Paire Centric) , Nathan, Simone, Isaac, Charles, Heidi, Angela, Arthur (Petrelli)
Warnings: angst, incest, sexual situations implied
Word Count: 1166
Chapter: JUST A PREVIEW (story coming January 2008)
Summary: What if Peter had already met Claire before the Homecoming night in Odessa? In a time where his love for her had been completely inoccent, without repercussion? All Claire told Peter was to wait, wait for her, until the day that destiny would bring them together and seal their fate.

February 14, 1997

Being the little brother of Nathan Petrelli was huge, especially since Nathan had been pretty much a celebrity at his school ten years ago. The way that teachers raved about him annoyed Peter, there wasn’t anything really remarkable about him, but the way that he sucked up to his Parents. In truth, Nathan was the golden boy of the family.

Peter had known that going to the same high school as Nathan was going to have its drawbacks, which was why he’d repeatedly asked his parents to send him off to boarding school, anywhere, just not West Village Prep. Unfortunately for Peter, his parents hadn’t succumbed to his many ideas, and he had ultimately been sent to the school that was eagerly awaiting the presence of Nathan Petrelli’s younger brother.

The first day of school for Peter had been horrible, with all the questions and the way that all the professors had winked at him. It was as if being Nathan’s brother had made him VIP, to pass all his classes without really any effort. When it came down to it, it was all about who you knew and what family you came from. Which was why Peter had decided the first day after school, that he was going to defy all the expectations everyone had for him.

It was a horribly sunny Monday morning, a Monday morning like any other. There was nothing remarkable about it at all, just the fact that he had a hangover from the previous night. Simone Deveaux had held a party at one of the apartments in a building that her parents owned. The Deveaux’s were family friends, which had been the only reason why Peter had actually been invited. Simone was the most popular girl in school, and had it been for the fact that she was nice, Peter would have had a boring Sunday night.

Peter wore his old Ray-Ban sunglasses that his grandfather had given him from the sixties. They were said to be some type of vintage sunglasses that were suppose to be taken care of, but Peter didn’t’ fuss about that, he just used them for what they were for. He used them to cover the fact that yes again, he had a hangover, and didn’t really want to hear the complaints from his brother, the only one that could ever tell when Peter wasn’t exactly himself.

He gave a slight groan as his driver pulled up to his school, he only had four months to go and he would be out from the prison. Peter fumbled trying to open the door, but as he was about to push, the driver opened it, only making him stumble as he got out. Again, he gave another moan, he hated Mondays.

“Sorry Mr. Petrelli”, the driver apologized profusely. Peter waved his hand back, motioning for him to leave, he didn’t have time to say it was ok or get mad. All Peter wanted was to get the school day over with, so he could go home and fall on his bed to sleep. Yet, eight hours in school was going to be excruciating, he could already start feeling the nausea making him want to throw up.

He walked into the entrance of his school, and found his way to his locker, through the overcrowded hallway of kids in their uniforms. All the voices around him weren’t helping the pounding that his head was feeling, and at that point he wished that he’d just slept in, and dealt with his mother instead of all the chattering.

While he put all his books in his locker, Peter couldn’t help at get the feeling that he was being watched. It struck him, because he was Peter Petrelli, normally no one would have taken the time of day to look at him. He was the renowned bad boy of West Village Prep, girls were warned about him. Not that he was that much into girls, he was into getting the hell out of that institution.

When he looked around, and didn’t see anyone particularly looking in his direction, he shook his head, which was a mistake, only nauseating him more. He should have figured that it was just as Nathan called it, his 'dreamy imagination'. With a thud, he shut his locker, and turned to see Alex, one of his friends approaching. He gave him an acknowledging nod, and they began to walk to their history class.

“You go to Simone’s?” asked Alex, turning to wink at a girl as they walked down the hall. Peter took the opportunity to roll his eyes, under his sunglasses, at his friend’s flirtatious tendencies with any girl that walked by.

“Yeah. It was alright,” he mumbled, swaying his bangs away from the front of his forehead. It was the one attribute his whole family despised, his bangs, which was why he kept them. His mother would often pester about how they were getting ridiculously long, and made him look uncared for, but that just made him like them all the more.

As they turned the corner to walk into their class, Peter felt that nagging feeling again that he was being watched. He turned his head in all directions, but he couldn’t see anyone. It actually scared him that he couldn’t see anyone but felt like he was being watched. Peter swallowed, and walked into his class, taking his seat all the way to the back. He thought it was idiotic that they never used the heater, especially when his parents paid twelve thousand dollars a semester for his tuition. Had they known of the current state of the classrooms, they would have for sure complained, along with the rest of the parents.

Peter lay his head on his arms, and covered his face, history was his resting class. Their professor was seventy-five and thought Peter was the most productive student in class, even if he slept through it all. That wasn’t to say that he didn’t try his best in the rest of his classes, he did, he just didn’t have any enthusiasm for any of it.

But this class was another story, in this class, Peter could rest, he was sure of it. There weren’t ever any changes in the routine of their teacher. She would read from the textbook, and hand out a sheet, which Peter would finish in five minutes top, and resume his slumber.

Yet on this very Monday, there was something weird in the air, it was unsettling, and he couldn’t find himself drifting into his much needed sleep. It could have been the fact that it was valentine’s and hormones were racing, with lust between the whole school body, but that wasn’t the feeling that he was getting. It came as no surprise to him when a seat that had been empty the whole year, suddenly had been filled with a girl.

He slowly moved his eyes up her legs all the way until he met her face, and for a moment, Peter Petrelli was breath taken...

Story Coming January 2008

character: claire bennet, character: angela petrelli, pairing: claire/peter, character: heidi petrelli, character: mr. petrelli (arthur), author: jetsabul, character: charles deveaux, character: peter petrelli, character: simone deveaux, rating: r, character: nathan petrelli, character: isaac mendez

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