Feeding the Hunger, Chapter 1

Jun 19, 2014 03:43

Title: Feeding the Hunger, Chapter 1
Characters: Sylar, Peter Petrelli, Shape-shifted Peter Petrelli
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Graphic Violence will be coming in Chapter 2; in Chapter 1, they merely discuss the need for it
Word count: 3802
Setting: About a week after Season 4 ends
Summary: Sylar's reformation during "The Wall" was real ... but so is the Hunger. He needs to find a way to feed it that doesn't involve murder, and Peter has an idea that might help. But will Peter's plan bring them closer, or will it tear them apart?
1. I'm brand-new to Heroes fandom (I lived in a TV-free household for a couple of decades, so I've just now seen the show for the first time), so please be gentle with me.
2. I have a chronic illness that greatly limits me, and there are a lot of days when I can't write at all, and a lot of other days when I can only write very simple fluff. I do intend to finish every story that I start ... eventually.  I hope to have Chapter 2 up in about a week, if anyone reads Chapter 1, but my illness has derailed my plans before.
3.  Most of the M/M sex happens off-screen; the sex that's actually shown in the story takes place when Peter is shape-shifted into a woman.  So you probably need to be comfortable with both slash and het to read this story.


(This is my first time posting to this community, so I hope I did it right.  Any transgressions are out of ignorance rather than malice. :-D)

character: sylar, character: peter petrelli, pairing: peter/sylar, rating: nc17

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