Two stories of Petlar smut: 'Only You' and 'Territorial Behavior'

May 21, 2014 20:57

Title: Only You
Characters: Sylar, Peter Petrelli
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic sexual content
Word count: 650
Setting: Post-season 4, not that it matters
Summary: Porn without plot.
Notes: Inspired by this art.

Title: Territorial Behavior
Characters: Sylar, Peter Petrelli
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic sexual content with mild, mostly consensual violence
Word count: 1300
Setting: Post-season 4, not that it matters
Summary: Porn without plot.
Notes: This is a prequel to the Territorial Markings drabble. Inspired by this art.

character: sylar, author: game_byrd, character: peter petrelli, pairing: peter/sylar, rating: nc17

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