Advent Calendar 2013

Dec 22, 2013 20:08

Words: 600 almost
Disclaimer:I do not own them or anything
Notes:Auish kinda small fic.Something sweet for the holiday
Sylar slammed the door of his and Peter’s apartment after the amazing family Christmas dinner with Angela. It contained turkey ,gravy, yams  and a big argument on the side for him to enjoy.

Of course it wasn’t his fault. He and Peter were dating almost 5 years now  with their bumps on the way and fights but they always made up. Today was no different like the other times they were with the Petrelli  family. Sylar was not good enough for their son because of his job or education or being a man.
He sits at their couch frustrated with the lights close and waits for Peter’s returns. His phone is ringing but he doesn’t pick up. He just waits. He hears his phone again and again. Still he doesn’t answer it.
After two hours  Peter  finds Sylar sitting in the couch with the lights off and staring at the wall.He sits next to his lover and stares the wall.
“We are together five years now and they still think what we have is a joke.That I am a joke. I was this close to punch Nathan.”  Peter  grabbed Sylar’s hand and squeezed.
“Thank you for not punching my brother and hold back. But I didn’t.As soon as you left my fist met with his face. I apologize for not listening to you. I thought they had changed. Don’t worry this is the last time that we are going to their house. Not until they grovel and apologize.”
“They are your family Peter. Don’t shun them away and thank you for defending my honor.” Said Sylar and softly kissed Peter.
“Come on. Let’s go to bed. We had enough excitement for one day and babe you are not alone. You are my family more than they will ever be.”

Peter stretches and his hand is reaching for his lover but the other side of the bed is cold.He wakes up and walks to the living room to search for Sylar and there he is. Facing outside the window with his back on Peter.

“Hey everything ok babe?”
“Yeah.Had a nightmare  didn’t want to disturb you.Sorry.”
Peter hugs Sylar from behind and starts kissing his back
“It’s ok.Want to talk about it?Your nightmare?”

“The same thing I see that you are leaving me and take your family’s side and I die alone and bitter while you have kids, family of your own and you forget about me.”he says as he turns around to face Peter and hugs him.He keeps him there in his arms as Peter strokes  his back and with his touches and little kisses he presses  in Sylar’s body.

“Don’t listen to my family they have no clue what I want and need in my life and that’s you not some woman or an old friend  that they brought to the house and try to make me see that I miss something .I don’t need anyone else. Only you. I am yours”
“I know love. It’s my own insecurities that manifests like this.You are mine as I am yours” he says and kisses him.

A light touch in the lips first with little pressure and when Peter parts his lips and his tongue is seeking entrance Sylar responds in kind. The kiss starts sweet and slow but when their tongues meet they try to convey to each other their feelings love, passion and completeness. Sylar wants so much more to take from him and to give him everything  he is. Peter pulls back and looks in to Sylar’s eyes and they hold each other till the sunrise.

pairing: peter/sylar

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