Adventures in Dreamland

Dec 21, 2013 18:09

Title: Adventures in Dreamland: The Hazards and Rewards of Sleeping with Peter Petrelli
Characters: Peter Petrelli, Sylar
Rating: R
Warnings: One nocturnal emission, a couple nonconsensual kisses.
Words: 5,000
Setting: The Wall
Summary: Scenes of Peter and Sylar sleeping together.
Notes: Written for the 2013 Advent Calendar. To give some context for this - a few months after Peter arrives, Sylar begins to have nightmares of persecution and judgment. The sleep deprivation drives him mad, until Peter finally agrees to sleep with him, since Sylar felt that napping while Peter was around was the only time he was getting any rest. It's true and Sylar recovers, but he and Peter have to deal with Peter's sleeping habits along the way. They sleep clothed, with a layer of blankets between them (at least for now).

Many thanks to means2bhuman, who wrote Sylar's point of view for the first two of these. Some of these scenes will be incorporated into More Between Us Than A Wall.

author: game_byrd, pairing: peter/sylar

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