Heroes Season 1 Rewatch - Five Years Gone

Jun 09, 2013 13:31

Heroes Season 1 Rewatch "Five Years Gone"

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author: means2bhuman, !rewatch

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Comments 42

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game_byrd June 9 2013, 23:16:14 UTC
Wait, did you skip "Five Years Gone", or did I miss it?


means2bhuman June 10 2013, 00:43:04 UTC
I didn't have time to check. Watch whatever's correct, comment here. And I'll change the title post later.


game_byrd June 10 2013, 00:43:34 UTC
Got it. They're all good episodes at this point.


alexia_drake June 10 2013, 02:59:11 UTC
I love Future!Hiro, he look so badass and his voice is much better.

Ando: "Go. Talk to yourself."
Hiro: "No way... I scare me."
lol Every time I rewatch, I always laugh at Hiro for being afraid of Future!Hiro.

Hi Future!Peter, long time no see! Still looking hot and badass! *drools* I remember wondering how the hell he could have a scar on his face, since he had the power to regenerate himself. Then I thought that this future might have been the one where Claire was killed by Sylar (since this is why Future!Hiro got to the conclusion to go back to save Claire) so Peter never got to her, which means he would not have that power.

That was wear to see Matt as the bad guy, while Noah was protecting young people with an ability, but I loved seeing him being good :D


game_byrd June 12 2013, 03:17:02 UTC
I love that future/past Hiro exchange!

And ... oh. Why did I *never* think of that as a reason for future-Peter to have that scar?!? I feel so dense!!! But also in good company, since I've never seen that rationale trotted out in any of the fics I've read about the scar.


alexia_drake June 12 2013, 18:25:18 UTC
Yeah, from my experience, pretty much nobody got to the same conclusion as me on why Peter did not had the power to regerete himself. But this is the only logical way to explain it, or Furture!Hiro would not have told 'Present!Peter' to go save Claire.


means2bhuman June 27 2013, 10:15:02 UTC
I know, right? I just went 'oh...' He has every other power, I guess we assumed he had regen.


alexia_drake June 10 2013, 03:28:40 UTC
Yay, Future!Peter to the rescue to save Furure!Hiro and Ando :D

I think brown hair suits Claire better than blonde. lol

Hello Sylar! Welcome to the Future Party! I remember that I guessed way before, that it was Sylar!Nathan.

Future!Hiro: "Do we freeze time?"
Future!Peter: "Nah, I haven't had a good fight in years."

It was interesting to see two good men in present time, becoming badass fighters in the future! lol

I'm happy that Mohinder saved Hiro, I remember being surprised that he agreed to kill him the first time I watched. Also a big shock that Future!Hiro got killed in front of them.

However, Nathan!Sylar getting Peter through the door was bigger surprise! lol It obviously mean that he got the power of DL. I was never a big fan of DL, so I did not mind at all. lol

Mmm, Sylar and Future!Peter's voices in the same scene is always an awesome treat. *swoon*

That's such a great episode, full of actions and surprises! It might even be in my Top 5 favorites episodes among all seasons :D


game_byrd June 12 2013, 03:21:31 UTC
It was interesting to see two good men in present time, becoming badass fighters in the future! lol

It was more shocking to me to see them murdering people in the future. Normal folks! And while yes, they're Homeland Security/army guys/minions on the wrong side, but they're clearly people who took a job and think they're serving their country. If we saw Sylar cut through a dozen cops who were trying to bring him to justice, we wouldn't cheer him on. (Or, well, we might, because it's Sylar.)

Sylar and Peter needed more scenes together. Ratings would have skyrocketed. Instead, they were constantly flirting around, rarely putting them together as though afraid that millions of TV sets would self-combust with that much awesome on screen for too long.

About DL, Future-Hiro mentioned him earlier as one of the ones he brought to Noah to be safely hidden. Then we find out Noah was selling certain people out to the government. Then we see Sylar with DL's power. Makes me think that anyone with a power Sylar wanted got siphoned off to Sylar.


alexia_drake June 12 2013, 18:29:08 UTC
Sylar and Peter needed more scenes together. Ratings would have skyrocketed. Instead, they were constantly flirting around, rarely putting them together as though afraid that millions of TV sets would self-combust with that much awesome on screen for too long.

LMAO True, the first time I watched, Peter was my favorite character, the second time it was Sylar, and the third+ more time it was Peter AND Sylar's scene that were became my favorites, then their scenes with other people.


means2bhuman June 27 2013, 10:17:12 UTC
"Instead, they were constantly flirting around, rarely putting them together as though afraid that millions of TV sets would self-combust with that much awesome on screen for too long." -- I think that was the reason exactly - combustable television screens ::nods emphatically:: (LOL!)

I wondered how Sylar got 'fed'...and how he got DL's power.


game_byrd June 12 2013, 02:46:38 UTC
Future Hiro thinks Sylar exploded the city. Future Peter hasn't told even his good friend Hiro, then ( ... )


alexia_drake June 12 2013, 18:35:50 UTC
There Nathan is posing for the painting.

Oh yeah, I noticed it too but I forgot to mention it. Pretty sure I did not remember the painting when I first watched. There's so many details to notice in Heroes, that's why it never gets old to rewatch it :D

"You haven't slept in five years, Mohinder." But what the hell does that mean?

Haha, I think it was just an expression since Mohinder must have worked on it for 5 years non-stop, probably going to bed super late quite often...


game_byrd June 13 2013, 03:24:52 UTC
The creepy Sylinder shipping angle is that Sylar's been watching Mohinder's sleeping habits for years ...


means2bhuman June 27 2013, 10:22:49 UTC
I like the theory of a future Sylar saving S1 Kirby Sylar except it's covered by canon - Candice/Michelle saves him - and if a future Sylar went back, why that moment? Why not save Virignia or screw up Homecoming so present Sylar got regen? If it was me, I wouldn't pick that moment (Kirby). Crap, now I'm flashing to Candice's little seduction, "Or maybe you'd like something more familiar? [with the illusion of a sexy Sylar coming onto himself]" Someone write that out, please?!

You know I never noticed the Nathan pose for the painting, someone had to point it out to me or I watched it so many times I finally noticed, but I loved that they included it, cemented it that way (brief though it was).

I know! "You haven't slept in five years, Mohinder." But what the hell does that mean?
I immediately and lewdly thought of DD3's verse where SyNathan and Mo are a thing...ehem...Not sleeping, get it?...

That is by far the sexiest Peter kiss. UNF.


game_byrd June 12 2013, 02:59:50 UTC
In this timeline, Claire was apparently murdered by Sylar ... somehow ... so Noah has done all this without her in his life. But ... wait, it's no longer 'this timeline', because now she's alive? I have the creepy feeling that she was honestly dead until the moment Ando said she was alive. Then Noah had a moment of extreme deja vu and poof! she's alive.

Brown-haired Claire again. She seems entirely unsold on her fiancee. A normal life doesn't preclude running around like a fugitive. I wonder what happened to her mom?

Future-HIro says, "Candace's illusions will distract the guards." Implying she's alive and whatever power future-Sylar is using isn't hers. Well ... probably isn't hers, since Sylar could theoretically kill her and then she could be revived by various means.

Interesting that Janice is also out of the picture, just like Sandra. What is it about mothers on this show?

Matt's lipstick is on a little garishly.

Wait, did Matt just shoot Noah?


alexia_drake June 12 2013, 18:40:01 UTC
Interesting that Janice is also out of the picture, just like Sandra. What is it about mothers on this show?

lol Maybe not enough screen time, and/or not interesting enough?


game_byrd June 13 2013, 03:26:25 UTC
Not interesting enough is it. A lot of screen writers seem to sincerely struggle with giving females something interesting to do in a show. It's like the screen writer's brain short-circuits when trying to imagine provocative motivations and goals for a female character. It makes me wish they'd write all the characters as male and then randomly gender-swap some of them.


means2bhuman June 27 2013, 10:29:09 UTC
...That's...brilliant. I will say, Sylvester Stallone writes good female characters, that's just something I've noticed and appreciated about his work. I dunno if he writes his ideal woman or what he wants to see in real women or if he writes what he wants to see on screen, but he does a good job even with more, technically "cliched" stereotypes.

To be fair, it's not just screen writers and it's not just MALE writers who have trouble writing female characters - I'd be clueless to write a woman. I have no interest (because I am a woman and I live a woman's life). It's a social/society failing, not knowing what to do with women other than objectify them because at least then they have a role/purpose.


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