Heroes Season 1 Rewatch - Five Years Gone

Jun 09, 2013 13:31

Heroes Season 1 Rewatch "Five Years Gone"

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author: means2bhuman, !rewatch

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game_byrd June 9 2013, 23:16:14 UTC
Wait, did you skip "Five Years Gone", or did I miss it?


means2bhuman June 10 2013, 00:43:04 UTC
I didn't have time to check. Watch whatever's correct, comment here. And I'll change the title post later.


game_byrd June 10 2013, 00:43:34 UTC
Got it. They're all good episodes at this point.


game_byrd June 10 2013, 00:47:31 UTC
I probably won't get to this until Tuesday or so. Game of Thrones season finale is tonight and I still have mulch to unload.


alexia_drake June 10 2013, 02:14:41 UTC
Posting here to notify both of you at the same time.

Yes, they skipped "Five Years Gone" which is also one of my favorite.

You can use this link to browse the entries made by means2bhuman :

It might be useful to the members to include a clickable link (something like Previous Episodes) at the bottom of your entries to easily look back at the previous disscussions posts if they get late (or to see if more people left comments during the week) since you do not use any tag.


On the subject of tags ... game_byrd June 10 2013, 04:51:08 UTC
Setting up tags is something I haven't figured out how to do. When they gave me modly powers, they seem to have left off some of the features. Either that, or I don't know what I'm doing, which is very possible. This is the first forum I've been a mod for. If you have a suggestion as to how I can do it or what I'm overlooking, please let me know!


Re: On the subject of tags ... alexia_drake June 10 2013, 15:45:09 UTC
It is most likely related to the settings of the community, I guess that the creation of new tags must be restricted to the Maintainers, and you are a Moderator. They are two very different things, Moderators can only approve or reject new entries and new members. The two Maintainers are listed here. There is a setting that allows everyone to create or add tags, but Maintainers rarely choose that settings because the members are stupid, and usually accidentally create similar tags, rendering them pretty much useless. lol I usually choose the settings to "Who can create new tags" to Maintainers Only, and "Who can add existing tags" to Entry's author, Maintainers and Moderators.

Since the two Maintainers are either incactive on LiveJournal, or they deleted their account, you could try to open a Support request to ask them to transfer the ownership of the community to you (this also grants you Maintainers status), so that you can fully take care of it. Normally, the communities are handed to someone else when there are spam posting on ( ... )


Re: On the subject of tags ... game_byrd June 12 2013, 03:25:24 UTC
I sent rebelle_elle a message. Here's hoping.


Re: On the subject of tags ... game_byrd June 13 2013, 03:22:25 UTC
I'm now a maintainer! Yay!

I've also added tags for !rewatch and for means2bhuman. Anything else you think I should do? The comm only has about thirty tags left to apply.


Re: On the subject of tags ... alexia_drake June 13 2013, 04:24:41 UTC

I only joined recently, so I have no idea what other tags it needs. I guess you'll see if someone make a post, and there's no tags that applies...


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