A Warlock By Any Other Name

Oct 22, 2010 18:17

Title: A Warlock By Any Other Name
Characters/Pairing: Gabriel (using shape-shifting to appear as Nathan), Simon (11 years old), Monty (8 years old), Gabriel/Heidi, Gabriel/Peter (though Heidi and Peter don’t make much of an appearance)
Rating: PG or T
Words: ~3,700
Warnings: Use of mental commands on children (mild), outing of someone’s sexual orientation (mild), child violence.
Setting: Shattered Salvation AU, October, 2011.
Summary: Gabriel reveals abilities and more to Nathan’s sons, who have different reactions to the news.
Notes: In this AU, Gabriel is Sylar with Nathan’s memories. He pretends to be Nathan a lot of the time, using shape-shifting to look like him, having moved in with Heidi, fathered a child with her (10 month old Noah at the point of this story), and being father to Nathan’s boys. He has revealed abilities to Heidi, but not as yet to the boys.  I started this story with the intention of filling one of the Halloween 2010 prompts on Heroes_Contest on LJ, but it went somewhere else entirely.  Oh well.


character: heidi petrelli, character: simon petrelli, character: gabriel gray, author: game_byrd, rating: pg, character: peter petrelli, character: monty petrelli

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