Title: Well Into the Night
motorbabyx Rating: PG-13 (swearing)
Characters: Claire Bennet, Jeremy Greer
Pairings: None
Spoilers: Tabula Rasa/Strange Attractors (s4)
Warnings: One f-bomb is dropped. Slight silliness/fluff/possible OOC-ness, as well.
Disclaimer: If Heroes was mine, it would still be on TV. So, clearly, it is not.
Summary: Jeremy and Claire have been working long hours, trying to train Jeremy to better control his abilities...needless to say, it's not going well.
Excerpt: "I don't wanna do this anymore," Jeremy whined, his face connecting loudly with the kitchen table. Claire rolled her eyes, and let his hand slip free of her own.
"Come on, you big baby - you have to get it over with sooner or later."
the cut is a lie ]