life after death

Oct 08, 2008 09:23

Title: Life After Death
Rating: PG
Character: Gabriel Gray, Angela Petrelli
Word Count: 929
Spoilers: 3x04 'I Am Become Death', as well as most of Season Three
Disclaimer: I own nothing, unfortunately. Heroes belongs to Tim Kring, and we love him for it.
Summary: After he destroys all that mattered in his life, Gabriel contemplates how he had obtained them in the first place, and how to cope afterwards.

Note: I came up with this after watching 3x04, and my mind kind of ran with it. I haven't written a fic in an extremely long time, and this wasn't betaed, so I apologize for any mistakes.


The apocalyptic fury unleashed by his own hands had surprised him, and yet the desolate landscape before him seemed familiar in some way. After all, that was what the majority of his life had been, wasn't it? He was constantly alone, only hurting those around him for the hunger in which he so often succumbed. Now however, the destruction was not entirely his fault, but those who had been the catalyst had already dashed off in hopes of obtaining the new villain and destroying him instead.

They had wasted no time in following after Peter Petrelli, after all what threat was Gabriel Gray to them now? They had provided him with so much and yet now it seemed they couldn't careless if it was rudely ripped away from him. It was entirely possibly that they had not expected him to become so attached to the homemaker lifestyle that was so quickly thrust upon him, but it had happened. Noah had been brought into his life so seamlessly, even when Gabriel had been so skeptical at first. At the thought of his now deceased son, his shoulders dropped and his feet lightly skimmed the burned ground beneath him. He had never felt so alone as he did at that moment, and thoughts of what had occurred in the past few years flooded back to him slowly.

Children and intimacy had been the least of his interests, as it seemed the love of his mother - his adopted mother as he recently found out -would never be able to be replaced by another woman. No one appeared to be the standard he saw, and instead he had begun to use emotions as a way to manipulate people into giving him what he was in need of. But when Angela Petrelli had entered his life, it seemed as if things took a different turn. He had no need to manipulate her, as she seemed more than happy to offer him the things he wanted and craved. The powers she willingly allowed him to take were refreshing, and yet he couldn't help but think that she had far bigger plans for him. Surely she hadn't expected him to sit quietly and absorb, while accomplishing nothing? He had been allowed out on the odd assignment, but nothing prepared him for her next request.

He remembered the situation vividly. It had occurred nearly two years ago, when the Company had still been keeping him for their own uses. They fed him powers occasionally, to give him no reason to escape, but his purpose felt as if it reached farther than he expected. The Company knew things, things that were to come, and so it was no doubt there was something in store for him. He just waited to see how things were bound to play out. On that certain day, however, he was locked in his cell, and his back was against the cool stone table when Angela had entered the room. When he had heard her footsteps initially approaching him, he assumed she'd merely toss another person his way and be back to clean the body up later. Instead she stood silently, waiting for him to face her before she spoke.

"Gabriel," she began, her hands clasped together in front of her as her eyes locked with his, "I have a request of you, and I do hope you'll willingly accept it." She paused, stepping slowly towards him, her tone serious and unwavering.
"I need you to come with me on a specific assignment, one I hope you'll gladly undertake."

He had nodded and followed her out again, quickly changing into the suit she so often provided him with. He followed her blindly into a black vehicle, assuming whatever she had in store for him would prove worthwhile in the end, though having no idea what she could possibly want him to do. The car wound corners and navigated through the city, until at last it paused at a house, not unlike the one he had just destroyed. Picture perfect, until the situation at hand was explained to him.

"Parents reported their son to the police when he started exhibiting 'abnormal behavior'," Angela sighed, lightly grasping Gabriel's arm as they paused at the door, "We have no one to take him in, and it appears such a task falls to you, coincidentally." She hadn't sounded surprised, as if the entire situation was suppose to happen, and a smile seemed to grow on her face as the small boy peeked around a police officer to look at Gabriel. "I always wanted a special grandchild. Who knew you'd be the one to provide me with one."

Her words echoed in his ears and a ragged breath escaped from his chest. Reluctantly he dragged himself back to the horrifying present, the reality in which he had nothing of what he wanted. The boy that had been thrust upon him under such strange circumstances was now no longer alive. He was alone, and as he slowly opened his eyes to let the scorched area around him come in focus again, the once dormant hunger seemed to rise up in his chest. He had suppressed it for the sake of his son, but now he needed to be special again. He needed to prove to himself that all had not been lost. His family may have been sacrificed for an unjust cause, but he could still rise from the ashes. He still had himself; he still had Sylar.
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