Fic: Payback (Elle, Audrey, Sylar) PG-13

Oct 08, 2008 11:12

Title: Payback
Pairings/ Characters: Elle, Audrey, Sylar
Author: Eliza Ann
Word Count: 2930
Disclaimer: If wishes were horses...well I actually don't have any horses...Heroes is not mine, just know that.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing you wouldn't see on the show and, um, almost smoking.
Spoilers: Up to 3.02, but maybe a little after that, too.
Summary: After the Company, Elle's got nowhere left to go, so she goes nowhere. Well, actually she goes to the interrogation room. This is Elle after 3.02, and what I imagine her doing.
A/N: Just in case you forgot, Audrey was the FBI agent that was working with Matt to find Sylar, in season one. I doubt it will end up anything like this, but I thought the situation would be interesting.
A/N2: First Heroes fic, if you're not counting crossovers. I'd love to know whether or not I'm very good, so all feedback is appreciated more than oxygen.
( Misery really does love company. And the Company loved misery, they had halls upon hall, floors upon floors of it. )

character: audrey hanson, rating: pg13, character: elle bishop, character: sylar

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