Strange Condition, Pt. 9/9 and Epilogue

Sep 17, 2008 19:36

Title: Strange Condition
Author: Harikari
Pairing: Sylar/Mohinder
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Violence, gore, strong language, etc.
Disclaimer: Don't own em'.

Summary: A month after the events at Kirby Plaza Mohinder visits another special individual from his father's list. This leads to an unexpected meeting with a certain supposed-to-be-dead serial killer, a kidnapping, and a battle with a man out for revenge - a man whose powers happen to rival even Sylar's.

( Sylar stood. Shot a look at the geneticist, brows raised and whispered, "That's my boy." )

Previous part(s) here.

xposted to heroes_sylar, heroes_mohinder, sylar_slash, mylar_fic, heroes_slash, heroesfic, heroes_fic

author: hari_kari, rating: r, character: sylar, pairing: mohinder/sylar, character: mohinder suresh

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