Mod announcement

Sep 17, 2008 16:03

I'd like to give a great big warm welcome to the new team of mods for heroes_fic, ohhfantastic, dana_serenity, sonic47, and sinandmisery.

ohhfantastic and sonic47 will be your day-to-day mods, so they'll be keeping an eye on the place and are your new go-to girls if you have a question/concern/suggestion. However, I'll still be hanging around, so you're more than welcome to shoot an e-mail my way if you feel the need. :)

dana_serenity and sinandmisery will be your tagging mods, so the tagging system that's been put into place here will be kept up to date and used more efficiently for your convenience.

Please treat these guys as wonderfully as you've treated me, and keep those stories rolling in! ♥

modly: admin

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