Jun 01, 2007 22:03
I am tired so lets see how long this is. I have begun my transition into leaving home...by moving into my aunts for the summer. The drive down was extremely nice I enjoyed it and it was very smooth. I hit little negative weather and no cop trouble. I felt very independent ignoring that fact that I just got birthday money early so I could afford my trip down.
Tomorrow I have to get finger printed for my job with the county pool. I want to make sure I ask about the test because I have not yet taking the swim ability test and it needs to be done within the next week so maybe I can possibly start working the next weekend. If I don't get this job then I need to find another one stat. Not only because I need money but a job will help me socially because at this point I know maybe one other person who isnt my family down here so if i dont work I will go broke and go crazy. I also plan to exercise tomorrow. I wanna play bball with my cousin and rollarblade around Yonkers. I also decided that if I find myself bored I am definetely going to do some ride time with an ambulance. I want to keep my skills current even if all i can do is observe. I also wouldnt mind spending time in the city.
I guess I felt a little dramatic about leaving today. I said my goodbyes to my close friends. I was rushed out the door when talking to Oz because I had a final call for a possible fire which I might add we didnt get out for and if we did I would have most definetely missed the piece. I was going to visit christina but she said she was too busy then she called me telling me how she wanted to see me before I left. It was kinda sad and I wished she came to my fire. That was a good time a lot of my close friends where there. Some couldnt make it but I thought it was a successful fire. I said goodbye to julie although I may see her before the summer is over...and oz and christina...they all might come down to visit within the next couple of weeks...itll be nice we'll go into manhatten and have a good time.
This is the first out of many posts I hope for the summer. I am taking the idea of Brookelyn and am going to blog my summer. Even if this isnt very good grammatically or if it its less than 50% related to broadcasting...itll be nice to have some reference as to what I did this summer. After all, the last post, I made note that I forget little monday details about incidents(I used EMS calls as an example). Therefore I will write down as things happen.
Lets leave it there
The Hero