October round-up - NaNoWriMo terror

Oct 31, 2009 21:18

So, October. Has been pretty much awesome :D
I'm still geeking out about the Hub 3 - for those not in the know (and the precious few who I haven't swamped with talk about it to), Hub 3 is/was a Torchwood convention in Birmingham last weekend. Totally, totally amazing - I'm definitely going to Hub 4 next April! I meant to post on the Monday all about it, but I have been ill with Convention Lurgy (bad enough to deserve capital letters) all week, so :(. This now means that my geek-out-ness is still going, but not strong enough to want to ramble on for ages. However, I did compile a list at the time...

Things You Would Never Do/See Outside a Convention
- The Master dancing with (not next to - definitely WITH) the Tenth Doctor (spec. drunken!Doctor from Girl in the Fireplace) to Voodoo Child
- Hang onto the shoulders of the Fifth Doctor (complete with celery) during "Amarillo" until interrupted by Ianto and Toshiko
- Join fifty + people on the dance floor for "Doctorin' the TARDIS" and "Time Warp" twice in one evening - and for three times in two days
- Watch a dragon and a unicorn having a conversation over drinks
- Have people ask to take pictures of your Henry Hoover costume
- Have your picture taken with someone dressed as a giant whoopee cushion
- Two Captain Johns having a sword fight on the dance floor
- See the Tenth Doctor and Jack Harkness in the girls' loo and getting really rather confused before realising that yes, they are female
- Not being the only one geeking out because the photographer's name is Malcolm

:D All these things made me very, very happy. Alongside a flying babybell, Rachel's duck, jokes about breeding hamsters, the Barrowman line, the Save Ianto Jones campaign, a discussion about Evil!Ianto vs Alternate!Ianto ves Hallucination!Ianto (all of which completely trumped by ressurection by STI - Sexually Transmitted Immortality), the fact that I got there and back entirely by myself (yay for self-sufficiency!), Gareth David Lloyd singing "I am Barrowman...I am the height...of human perfection" and Gareth and Kai Owen on stage pretending to be John Barrowman and James Marsters and snogging, it was a very, very, very good weekend.
*sigh of happiness* Geeks throw the best parties :)

What else has been going on? Hmmm... *is mildly distracted by "All the Strange Strange Creatures" coming up on shuffle*

Ah, my first university level essay was due yesterday. I wrote it... on Thursday... when ill... yep, it's utter bull. It's good quality bull, but still bull. But I'm not too fussed, because to be completely honest I really, really had no idea what I was aiming for. I eventually decided to write the best essay I could think up from my perspective, and then see how it compares with what they think I should be writing - it's easier to work from that than from nothing. Also, this essay didn't count for anything, so whoot! Sort of. If it had, I would not have left it so late...

I'd go get another lemsip but I don't want to fall asleep... hmmm...

The other fairly major thing is that I realised abruptly on thursday that NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow... ahhhhhh!!
I've just had a big debate with my friend - well, more like I went off on one about various options and she gave helpful comments (thanks Aims!) - about whether to do Original Fiction or Fanfiction. I picked fanfiction, mostly because
a) This is my first ever NaNo, and I don't want to push myself any more than I have to and
b) I already have a plan for a fanfiction. It is EPIC.
This plan has been in the stirring for...ooo... four years now? It's immensly long and detailed, and... well, let's just say that on the excel spreadsheet that is my timeline, the first event is in 1998 and the last is in 2049. So I have no shortage of time to work with. :D It also encompasses... *counts*...*loses count*... over fifty OC's. So... yes. Hmm.
I'm really quite excited, and have decided to do the stupid and crazy by staying up 'til midnight to write the first paragraph... don't know what it'll be yet. Do I write in order? Do I write out of order? Do I focus on one thread of the story at a time? Do I attempt to write the whole thing in chronological order? Which bit do I tackle first? Ah, decisions, decisions...

Well, despite that - to any fellow participants, good luck!! To anyone else, even if I don't know you - the more encouragement and peer pressure, the more I will love you. :D

Happy Hallowe'en everyone - and bring on the writing!


event: convention, fandom: torchwood, fandom: doctor who, geek, place: birmingham, event: party, tardis, hub 3

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