Hermitknut lays down the gauntlet...

Oct 06, 2011 16:23

Last year I studied Simon Armitage's translation of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". For those of you who don't know, it's a narrative poem telling the story of Sir Gawain, knight of the round table. I love this poem, and of course it has an Arthurian setting.

Now, each stanza ends with a little four-line rhyme. There are one hundred and one of these. I was *cough* innocently wondering if anyone would care to join me in the crazy but fun entertaining attempt to write a drabble for each of these little rhymes.

Here's how it works: the more people that sign up (comment on this post!), the fewer we write each. For example, if we get ten people signing up then we've got ten drabbles to do each. If we get twenty people, five each. I'm sure everyone has access to a calculator can add up :).


1. Strict 100 word limit. If you want to expand them, awesome! But keep a 100 word version for this challenge.
2. Comment on this post by Friday 14th October to take part. Once I know how many of you are involved, I'll send you your respective rhymes.
3. The deadline for the challenge will depend on how many people are involved, and will be announced next Friday.
4. You can post them where ever you like (your journal, a comm, fanfiction.net, etc) but you will be asked to send me a link so that I can create a masterlist (which will, in theory, be in the order of the poem).

So, *tosses stripey fingerless glove to the floor* (who has an actual gauntlet?), anyone interested?

Please leave comments here (just in case the other two links weren't obvious... I'm so paranoid...).


EDIT: You can write any pairing/character for the drabbles, it doesn't matter. As long as it's Merlin! :)

fanfiction: challenge, ship: merlin/arthur, livejournal, plot bunnies, fandom: merlin, place: camelot, community

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