A conversation on Almond Slices

Aug 18, 2011 15:41

Hello, all - sorry for clogging your flists with a piece of nonsense. This is me teaching my dear friend headlesshedwig  about the masterful uses of the infamous LJ cut... :D Following below is an MSN conversation between myself and two friends. Lizzy and Rachel were at their laptops in one room, I was in a different place. Read for your own amusment, but be aware there is no way you can possibly find it as funny as we did at the time!

Lizzy: haaaazel, does you like almondy slices? I'll try and save ya one :P

Lizzy: XD

Hazel: not my kind of nibbles, sorry :)

Rachel: yeah, that'll work ;)

Hazel: eat them yourself :D have more :P

Lizzy: noo, I'm being good...

Lizzy: *resolutely puts lid back on box*

Hazel: *voice of box* eeeeeat meeeeee.... well, eat my contents, not me.... but eeeeeaaaat meeeeee....

Rachel: hush, you're in the cupboard

Lizzy: *stares at cupboard and giggles*

Hazel: *voice of box* but I can still seeeeee youuuuuu...

Lizzy: …

Hazel: *giggle of box*

Lizzy: I really want to turn around

Lizzy: LOL giggling almond slices

Hazel: *box impersonates Dalek Caan*

Lizzy: *dies*

Lizzy: *again*

Rachel: this is surreal

Lizzy: rach I cant believe you just checked on the box..

Hazel: no, this is my life normally

Rachel: i mean, i've RPed as a kitten, but as a box?

Hazel: she checked it?!?!

Lizzy: YES!

Hazel: *hysterics*

Rachel: … no <>

livejournal, sanity, help

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