Three Thinky Thoughts of a Nerdy Nature

Jul 01, 2011 19:01

I just spent half an hour reading complex literary thoughts on Harry Potter, and somehow this has made me think about Doctor Who. SPOILERS FOR SERIES SIX. Three things only, but I tend to wander off on a tangent....

1. "Silence will fall."

I'm still mentally debating whether or not this is supposed to be a bad thing. Maybe the Silents were good - maybe they were benevolent and quietly being wise in some cosmic corner - before the universe reboot that made them, what? Bleed through into our universe, half in and half out, which is why we don't ever remember that we've seen them? In this twisted state they are stuck, forever, and they go (or some of them) a bit psycho and start I don't know, murdering people in loos? I don't know, I'm making this up. They could still be good, despite the bathroom murder thing - maybe they're manipulating human history in order to fix things that went wrong when Amy remembers the universe? Just because one of them gets sarky in front of Amy's video phone doesn't mean they're evil. Possibly. Also, I'm still wondering if the Silents are Time Lords - mutated and messed up as they try to get through the Time Lock, half-imagined by Amy's memory of the Doctor's description of them. And why oh why are they all wearing the same outfit?

2. "I remember you."

Not really a theory, more of a thought; the moment, the pivotal moment of the whole River Song/Melody Pond/Weapon Against the Doctor storyline is when Amy remembers the Doctor at her wedding reception. Just think about it; if Amy hadn't remembered him then, what would have happened? The Doctor would have disappeared from this universe forever, in such a way that I think very much respects all the good that he's done for it; Amy and Rory would have spent their wedding night anywhere but the TARDIS, conceiving the normal version of Melody Pond, who isn't a weapon against the Doctor. Melody Pond, who if she is the child who regenerates at the end of ep 6.2 probably doesn't look like the River Song we know and love and therefore cannot possibly exist in that form to pass on the diary to Amy, so Amy's recall of the Doctor creates a positive paradox... oo. That's a nice symbolic reflection of the Master at the end of s3 - "You're changing everything!"/"I'm a Time Lord. I have that right." Where the Master creates a negative paradox that has to be sustained by a mutilated TARDIS, the Doctor creates a positive paradox which is sustained by an undamaged TARDIS - the "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" that prompts Amy's memory.

3. The Doctor's Death = Penance for genocide

Due mostly to Amy spotting a surviving Silent watching their picnic at the beginning of 6.1, I'm thinking that the Doctor may have to die as penance for what he effectively did to their race... it does seem as though that Silent has turned up to bear witness to the event, and although I don't have access to the ep right now to check, I swear the Doctor glances in its direction before he gets up and goes over to the Spaceman. Who might just be the flesh!Doctor... except the flesh!Doctor exploded.

*brain implodes*

Responses welcome, please no spoilers for the next half of the series :) Ta. If anyone can re-explain what I just said in better words, I love you and want your babies. :D


lists, obsession: the lovely rory, ship: doctor/master, time lord, end of time, fandom: doctor who, theory: doctor who, obsession, spoilers, geek, questions, tardis

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