All virus-writing people are EVIL.

Feb 26, 2011 13:25

So, now that I've just settled back into using lj regularly again, now that I'm in mid-communication with my beta about my fic, and now that my uni work is beginning to intensify.... guess what?! My computer may have an evil, evil virus.


On the plus side, it seems to be of the same kind as the one on my housemate's computer, and her computer-nerd boyfriend thinks he can fix that. So hopefully he'll fix mine. But, yeah. Neither of them are in today, so I'm holed up in the university library making swift and worshipful use of a campus pc. I can't stay here for long because in all honesty, I'm craving more solitude already... but if I go back to my room I'll just scowl at my pc. So that's really annoying.

Good things, however; sci-fi and fantasy soc (geek club, lol) had a showing of VPM on Thursday and it went really well - we're going to get together and watch the sequel in a couple of weeks. And apparently - don't know how true this is, it came from starkid's wikipedia page - there may end up being a Very Potter Threequel. *squeeeeee* :D Normally I wince when sequels are announced, but I have a great deal of faith in starkid to get it right if they do it.

I went to see a film last night with the lgbt group here: Prayers for Bobby. Absolutely horrific/beautiful - it's an emotional rollercoaster, I was very nearly in tears. This does not happen often to me. I reccomend you go see it, but bring a box of tissues and some comfort chocolate, lol. It's based on a true story, too.

So that's me for now... hopefully my computer will be fixed soonly, but we'll see. If not... then I'll be sucking up to my parents to see if they'll sub me for a new one... :/ don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a try!

I'm sorry if I don't get back to you quickly - I may be making do with uni pc's for a while. At least I'll get some reading done, lol...

Hope everyone's having a good February/March,


is: eeeeevillllll, obsession: books/reading, harry potter: very potter musical/sequel, reaction: grrargh, real life: university, livejournal, sanity, films

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